(17) Neon Lights

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Three Years Later,

It was now junior year, Bucky was in full on fuck boy party boy mode. He and Zantana went to Neon Night at a frat party. 

"Come get me if you need Zan, especially looking like that tonight." He said 

"You know I can take care of myself boo boo." She said as they went their separate ways. 

The night was a blast full of beer pong, jello shots and dancing. Some people were skinny dipping in the pool. Bucky spotted a hot pink outfit dancing as she made herself a drink.

"Hello darlin what's your name?" He said 

"Oh hi, I'm Susie Brown" she said as she sipped her drink. 

"Well Susie Q tonight is going to be the best night of your life." He said as he took her to go dance. 

They began to dance, she was his partner for beer pong. She joined him in the pool as they began to make out. He took her upstairs to a bedroom where they stayed the rest of the night. 

The next morning he woke up, and kissed her. "I'm going to keep you around Susie Q." He said 

"Keep me?" She said 

"My fuck buddy." He said

"That's fine with me." She said as they had morning round. 

They exchanged numbers and went their separate ways. 

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