Two months later,
It was two weeks into the new school year, when Wanda and the crew was in the teacher's lounge.
"Um have any of you seen Miranda Sanchez?" Wanda said
"Now that you mentioned it I haven't seen her." Natasha said
They all began to shake their heads no, Bucky began to feel a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Claire came in, "Morning what's with the long faces?" she said
"Have you seen Miranda Sanchez?" Wanda said
"Oh no not since last school year right before she dropped my English class for Yelena's." Claire said
Peggy and Pepper came in to get some coffee, and they could sense the odd feeling.
"What's up guys?" Pepper said
"Have the two of seen or heard anything from Miranda Sanchez's parents on her whereabouts?" Natasha said
"Oh, she graduated with last year's seniors. She had more than enough credits to do so she asked Pepper if she could after Christmas break." Peggy said as she sipped her coffee.
"After Christmas break?" Bucky said as the feeling got worse.
"Yeah, she was very matter of fact about it. Had her list of colleges ready to go." Pepper said
Bucky took a deep breathe, "I have to go, it's my morning to oversee the athlete hall." He said and walked out.
"Oh god..oh my God what have I done." He thought to himself.

The Sweetest Sin
RomanceCoach Bucky Barnes has always been the type that didn't like to play by the rules. And that costed him everything in college, and made him have to give up his dream of college ball. Now he is coaching and teaching at his old highschool, and trying...