Day 6: I Remember

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A rather interesting Darker Piece donated by  0nyx_san

Note by Author: Note that this takes place in my universe called "Twistedverse" which I discontinued for time begin cause I'm busy so that means there will be things such as design changes for characters and triggering stuff.

I still remember it clearly... day when my dad, Dream guardian of positivity died as their powers passed down to me and made me the new heir of the positivity... I remember how I rushed to stop the fight I wasn't meant to see at age of 9, when my dad got slammed against a tree with their body fully worn off from all the fight and stress, from all the magic they had used. 

I still remember the dark clouds, moon hidden deep within too scared to see the scene; I remember HIS laughter as he watched their own twin die while I poured my eyes out and begged them to wake up... 

I still remember their last words as they muttered out a soft: "hey... don't cry my little brave boy" with their soft smile making my soul melt with pain and BURN with anger and thirst of revange... 

I remember locking myself up in my room and crying for hours feeling upset that only one parent that saw me and one that tried their best to take care of me left me... don't get me wrong... father cares too but his too forgetful and busy with his sarcasm and jerk addatiue that he forgets I exsist... 

But that won't happen this time... not after seeing them back from dead, back from their past that they were stuck in with help of Bill and even if it means destroying the world and betraying my father I'll take the risk and fight along side them someone whom once was happy, cheerful and kind and now to someone whose insane, wants revange and is obssesed with making the world suffer... 

I stood in doodlespare, my weapon in hand my dull eyelights looking at my short father whose eyes changed whenever he blinked to whatever he felt and currently I've read betryal but I know what I'm doing is right.

.. After all... I can't let dad's spirit suffer once again as it holds pain and agony while begin stuck under grip of a virus within their body...

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