Day 30: Irony 3

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And here is Part three, enjoy the final part... if more parts come out Irony will get its own story not in this theme month

The house felt so empty, Dream guessed this was what was called empty nest syndrome.

Palette had grown up and moved out, and a multiverse away for there college of choice.

At least Goth was there with him, those two lived in each other pockets.

He picked up a picture of his son, his precious apple didn't need him anymore.

At that thought his face fell, for some reason faltered and grew distant when Palette was in junior high. He touched the picture tears in his eyes, he didn't know why the one good thing in his life told him to stay away. That they hated him, that he...

He wiped away the falling tears and placed the picture face down, he'd tried to fix there relationship. Therapy even, but his beloved apple had walked away hating him.

Dream hadn't even done anything wrong.

His house would always be empty now, his son.. no Palette Roller no last name as they said would not come back.

This was horrible Karma for him.

"Ha... I guess I was always a failure..."

Slowly he packed up the house, making sure the pictures were in there own box. Palette may want them some day. his home filled very few boxes in the end as he had decided to donate the furniture.

He had hoped there would be more, but with Palette gone barely anything said he'd lived here long.

His new one room apartment seemed so sad, he peered out his window hating this.

"Be well my apple..."


"You can do this..." Palette Roller told himself, taking a deep breath.

It.. had taken him way to long to do this, too many years wasted.

He wished he hadn't realized his life wasn't a dream, pardon the pun. To realized one of his murderers had raised him, that he wasn't dead.

He'd said too many things in that moment and left, really running away from his sins.

Dream had loved him, gave him everything.. he'd thrown the other away like trash. He'd never told Goth, and apparently Dream had not told anyone why they were not speaking. So much for Death got rid of grudges.

"Mom..." he called as he entered the apartment, having finally located there address. It hurt to realize they'd move from there tiny home, but that was his fault. He's used a lock pick on the door, he'd once learned so many bad habits when part of Nightmare's group.

A quietness greeted him, an empty apartment in fact.

"No... he moved?"he asked himself confused.

"Oh... did you know the dear that lived here?" a tired voice asked, turning he saw a very old cat monster.

"Yeah, do you know where he went?" he asked.

"Oh... you don't know?" came the soft reply.

"Give me a moment" they said, they ran into there own apartment and came back with a piece of paper with a phone number.

"Its best you call there.."


Palette covered his face in his hands, tears running down his face after peering in room.

Long care home for those too hurt or ill to look after himself, Dream sat in his tiny apartment in the building staring blankly at a wall.

His skull was covered by cracks caused by a car crash, it was not a mercy he lived for he was now like an empty doll. Dream was there but not there, it could take years and years till those cracks healed and maybe his mind with them.

He'd felt breaking when he found, that Dream had left him listed as family and power of attorney if anything happened.

"Hello Mom.. sorry I'm late," Palette said said entering the room, fifteen years too late.

There was no reply, Golden eye lights stared at the wall.

"The Orderlies say you like to be read to.." he said quietly, and began to read one of the fluffy bunny books.

This time it would be his turn to care and love his parent, he had a lot to make up for.

He just wished he hadn't let stupidity and hate stop him before.

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