Day 17: friend & treats

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Lucero1142 has donated this cute piece, so glad they managed to donate again. So enjoy there world

Authors note: hopes this gets to you. in this universe pallet hasn't been friends with goth yet, also I can't seem to spell pallets name right so bye.

<(^_^)> Name is fixed in story

I remember the first time I met my first friend, my only friend. I lived in the doodle sphere most of my life, and I been mostly raised by my uncle figure Blue or Swap for some.

I'm the child of the two gods or demigods known to many as the protector of AUs Ink sans or just ink my dad , and the guardian of positivity Dream sans or just dream my dada. as for me I'm known as Palette Roller or just Palette.

Growing up blue been my only constant caretaker, while my parents are off doing there guardian jobs. I been mostly left behind a lot or forgotten by my parents to the point many would say that I'm being neglected or abandoned by my parents. it's sometimes really hard to be happy knowing that my parents choose there jobs instead of fully raising me.

It was during one of my many bad days, when my dada dream said that they got to do there jobs and that they'll be back later. after my dada left I threw a big tantrum, it was one of there rare days where they can stay and hang out with me but something happened and he suddenly chose to go fix it instead of staying here. it was my breaking point, I just wanted to some attention from my parents was it so hard to ask?

It was a little after I had my tantrum that an idea came to my head. what's keeping me here? there's no one here at the moment, and I don't want to be here any more. why don't I just leave? go on an adventure, meet new people, new things, and new foods. ok the food one was just because I'm hungry, but going on an adventure sounds better than staying here.

I have been taught a few things with my magic, and making things with my paint will help me in getting things like a backpack, some more paper, art supplies, a few snacks, and a few outfits plus a cloak to hide my face. I got to be sneaky, I don't want my parents to see me or I might be in big trouble for leaving.

After getting everything, I looked at all the au's I can go too. there's blue's world, fell, outer tale, classic, there's too many to chose from. but I got to pick one looking around I finally settle on an Au called Reapertale.

I took everything that I need and touched the paper with the Au on it, and I left.

I accidentally fell the moment I appeared in reaper tale. looking around I see lots of trees, and I see a clear area, and what looks like a wall or barrier. there I think I hear a child laughter through the wall. curious I touched the wall only to fall through it . hitting the ground face first I got up and looked around hearing the laughter better, I started going towered the laughing I see a clearing. there I see.. the most prettiest winged skelly that I have ever seen.

The first time I have seen a young skelly my age, I feel really shy to talk and hid myself by one of the tree's but I was spotted by the skelly. they came towered me and I finally got a good look at them. there mostly wearing white but there scarf is pure red, pure white cloak but has a black shirt underneath the cloak, there wings are pure white but I believe if I look close enough I can see a reddish hue of red mixed in the white feathers.

I stared for a few more seconds before I got the courage to talk.

 " hi." 


... this is really awkward. "my name is Palette roller but just call me palette." "it's nice to meet you . . . sorry but what your name?"

Looking at the winged skelly, they looked shy. they looked at me for a second before they answered my question. "well.. my name is goth just call me Goth." ". . . . do you want to play with me?" I'm here cause my parents are busy and aunty life is babysitting me till there done with whatever there doing ."

" YES!" " I mean yes I love to play with you." "what games should we play?" I followed Goth further in the forest clearing I see a huge garden area and what looks like a small cottage house. there a Toriel watering some plants looking at us mostly looking at me.

After some hellos and some permission to come back here any time. me and Goth decided to play some tag , hide n' seek , play pretend, and lastly some drawing/ painting.

As we were drawing Toriel made some treats like cookies and mini cupcakes with some milk to wash it down. I got too into drawing that goth snuck away to Toriel to ask for help with something . while I was drawing something for Goth, Goth went with Toriel.

When I finally finished my gift for Goth it got really late in the day I may have to go back home. I really don't want to but I think uncle Blue is worried about me right now since I didn't told anyone I left. as I was thinking about calling uncle Blue, Goth's parents came to the door.

I got to talk with goths parent who are named Geno and Reaper for a bit, then Goth came rushing out hugging his parents. I'll be honest I was a little jealous and envious of there love for each other. I wish my parents were like them.

It didn't take long before everyone were ready to leave to go home, i gave my drawing of me and Goth to Goth as a friendship gift , and Goth surprised me with a bag of treats that they made with Toriel. the bag is filled with sugar cookies, coca cookies, oatmeal cookies, shortbread cookies. brownies , and some mini cupcakes. Goth said they wanted to give me something ,and that they wanted to be my friend too, and made this gift so I won't be hungry traveling home.

Hugging Goth good bye I went home thinking about how I got my first real friend . I know that meeting Goth has changed my life for the better, but how better? I won't know but right now I'm just happy. even uncle blue scolding me for leaving without telling anyone, I'm still happy and not feeling lonely is the best thing ever .

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