Day 21: Making a difference

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KattraKnit thank you!

=OuterTale 6=

Raider watched his cousin sniffle and try to hide that he is crying, and sighs. Pallet's parents
hadn't done him any favors. Really who in their right mind raises an empath to be wide open
like that and think the world was supposed to be all sweetness and light?

PJ glared at the tree his little brother was curled up against, "we are going to have to fucking do
something about this before they rune him or he dusts from the strain."

Gradient fiddles with his hood, "but what if we take him in, dad and the others will just be
accused of kidnapping them."

Raider sighs again, "time for a bit of tough love. We are going to have to teach him about the
balance, why negative emotions are necessary, and tell him about shielding then let him go."

PJ turns his glare on Raider, "and how pray tell is that going to help he still won't be able to take
the strain if we don't teach him how to make and use them."

Gradient eyes his brothers sadly, "if he knows it all and that they exist he will confront his
parents. He will have to, to survive."

PJ turns his look of outrage on both of them, "you want to use him as a tool to try and force
change?! How could you even think it? He is family!"

Raider looks from PJ to Pallet, "I know but so are our dads and uncles. The fighting needs to
stop before we lose someone."

Gradient nods slowly, "it isn't like we have the right magic to teach him. Maybe if we can get
him to see the real problem it might make a difference."

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