Day 8: Like father, like son...

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philippaki surprised me with this piece, and as with there writing it set me giggling

Palette hummed thoughtfully as he looked between the two items, his gaze sharp as he examined them closely, seeming to be in deep thought. 

"The colour is nice for this one but this one has a slight sparkle to it that really makes the colours pop. Decisions, decisions.." 

He murmured to himself, his expression going dark when he noticed a third item he could choose from, muttering darkly at just how hard this was. 

Goth watched on in irritation, feeling his eye twitch due to having been here for nearly two hours, with Palette refusing to leave until they were '100% sure' of their choice. He was going to strangle his new mate if this went on for much longer, taking a deep breathe to try and calm down.

...sadly it didnt help and he suddenly snapped when he saw Palette look at yet another item.

He refused to stay here any longer!

"Just pick a wrapping paper, Palette! It's not that hard!"

"Of course it is, Goth! It has to be perfect!"

"It doesn't! It's just wrapping"

"Just wrapping?! Are you insane?! It's so much more than that. It's art!"

"Just pick one, Palette! We've already missed lunc-DO ΝΟΤ GIVE ME THAT LOOK! I am not the unreasonable one here!"

Dream sighed as he watched the new couple bicker over Christmas wrapping of all things, frowning as his own mate snickered beside him at the scene, as if they weren't so much worse.

"You do know that this is all your fault, right? They inherited this all from you, Ink"

"You need to relax! Our kid just has style, Dream...I know! I'll go help!"

His shoulders slumped as his mate interrupted the now full blown argument with little tact, unsurprised they somehow made it even worse.

He had just wanted a simple day out with the family, was that really too much to ask..?

He sighed, knowing they were going to be kicked out of the shop soon, especially when he saw Ink start to pile items on the ground with little care, unsure what they were even doing at this point.

He was very tempted to just walk out at this point, a quiet few hours by himself sounding rather wonderful right about now.

...It seemed Palette had also inherited Inks 'hobby' of getting them banned from shops, watching on in resignation when he saw them follow Inks lead. He rubbed his face tiredly when he the likely owner of the shop appeared, with them looking close to a breakdown, most likely due the mess of their once pristine store.

He didnt even know why they had come out for this, considering they had two Creators who could just make any item they wanted, wondering not for the last time if Palette had forgotten that simple fact.

It was sad how often he had to remind his kid of their own magic type, concerned just how much like Ink they were turning out to be.

"Just get the red one, Palette!"

"It's disgusting and not even tasteful! I would rather dust, Goth!"

"That can be arranged"

...he should have listened to his brother when they warned him against marrying Ink, watching with morbid fascination as Goth summoned his scythe with manic glee, resigned to having to intervene before it could get any worse.

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