Day 9: The rain does not stop

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One of mine (: still happy for more donations

"Pally!" Goth cried in concern, when his parents opened the houses door late at night to see an upset Palette soaked through by rain.

Sobbing Palette hugged Goth, who comforted his friend and not so secret crush.

"Palette.. do your parents know where you are?" Reaper asked worriedly, Geno started to pull out his mobile when the child just shook his head no.

"Do.. don't call them." Palette begged, voice raspy from crying.

"Come on Palette, lets get you washed and in something dry to wear," Geno said leading Palette away.

Suddenly someone was banging on the door, Reaper quickly opened it especially worried after Palette came to them. For a moment he didn't recognize who was at the door, then he had to stare.

"Nightmare?" Reaper said in disbelief, for the other monster was no longer covered by corruption.

"Dream... ate the remaining apple and pulled the corruption right out of me, he's now corrupted and now out of control more then I ever was," Nightmare said.

"Where is Ink?" Reaper demanded, knowing the creator while soulless would never have allowed this.

"Dead, along with Blue" Nightmare said, and Reaper realized right away Dream had murdered his mate and best friend.

Palettes sobbing filled the small home.

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