Chapter I

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Chapter 1

     EVEN WITH THE agonizing pain in my carves, desperate need for liquid scratching against the walls of my throat, branches slapping and scratching my arms and face, slicing my fresh open, I didn't care. I needed to get away, as far away as possible.

     The sun was on its journey to light the other side of the world. I have realised that I feel a lot more comfortable when it's day time. I feel as if I have to continuously watch my back when the sky has darkened its shade of blue and set free its glistening bright stars. Well, maybe that's because I really do have to watch my back the whole time. It's just more scary when in the dark.

     I stumbled onto a sidewalk paving and searched my surroundings. It seemed safe enough for me to enter a small convenient store that was right across the road. I made my way into the shop, the pain in my feet screaming at my brain to stop walking.

    I bought myself three bottles of Spring water and a chicken burger. I love chickens burgers. I tried being a vegetarian when I was around 15 years old and it didn't turn out as well as I would have liked it to.

     I didn't have a whole sum of money to spend for the long run, so I kept my expenses small. I immediately opened the bottle of fresh water and gobbled it up in one go. It was re-freshening, to say the least. Water never failed to taste like sweet Heaven on your taste buds when you needed it the most. Especially after you have ran, which is what I have been doing for the past day or two.

     As I walked out through the doors of the store, I looked up and saw a familiar face. Dark, black, straight hair, light brown eyes and full red lips. I was recognised her too well to call her a stranger. It was Jenaly, my ex classmate, neighbour and most importantly friend.

    "Ember? Is that you?" Jenaly squeaked. She always had a high pitched voice.

     Confusion, surprise and excitement flooded her facial expressions. My main goal was to not be noticed, and I had obviously not succeeded. I hadn't expected to see her ever again, so I was really surprised. I figured all my thoughts and emotions could be read all over my face and my lack of excitement to see her again as opposed to hers.

     She noticed but hugged me, squeezing me tight. I hugged her back. The feeling of hugging her was all too familiar.

     She had been my best friend since we were 6 years old. In grade 9, she told me she had wanted nothing to do with me after advising her not to sleep with Nathan, her boyfriend at the time. I knew he only "loved" her because of her great body and beautiful looks, but she didn't take me seriously whenever I told her so.

     And so, we separated.

     We only spoke when we had to. It was hard, especially since we were literally in all the same classes. It was painful, too. I was only trying to look out for her. I just didn't want her to get hurt.

     "Hey," I mumbled into her hair.
She held me at arms length and checked me out from head to toe.

    "How have you been? It has been too long!" she felt overwhelmed.

      It had been 3 years to be exact.

     "I'm good, great even." I lied through my teeth while faking a smile. I prayed that she wouldn't easily be able to see through my lie like she used to be able to.

     "I've been very good. I didn't expect to see you here!" she looked at me as if she was expecting a reason as to what was I doing here.

     It might have been more or less two seconds for me to answer but it felt like forever. "I'm - I'm visiting - touring, actually. I've decided to take a gap year and explore, ya know?"

     "Oh, that's wonderful! I am studying Environmental Tourism at the university nearby. I chose to study here because this small town hasn't been completely destroyed by humans. So, it's great for studying," she beamed at me.

     "Aw, that is great! That's really great. I'm so happy for you." I genuinely smiled this time.

     "Have you got any idea what you want to do when you go to university next year or whenever?" she asked me.

     "Well, I really enjoy history if I am being honest," I blushed, recalling all the stereotypes that is said about taking history as a subject, "and I really am passionate about conservation, art and tourism." I told her honestly.

     Students at school always shook their head in what seemed to be disappointment whenever I told them that I took history as a subject.

     "You've got to write thousands of essays." "You've got to remember so many dates." "How is the past going to help you in the future?" "History is way too much work."

     To be honest, I love History with every fibre in my being. And I am very passionate about nature and conservation. I didn't let anyone's opinions get to me, and I still don't. It is impossible for everyone to like everything. And well, everyone has their own preferences.

     "That's really cool, Em." she sincerely told me.


     A nickname she used to call me. I felt all warm then sad inside, remembering how close we used to be.

     "I'm in a hurry. Have to go attend my brothers award ceremony at school, and I'm actually late. I don't mind, though." she smiled even wider and shrugged.

    "It was lovely seeing you. I miss you loads and I hope to see you around soon. Take care." she embraced me with her arms again.

     "It was lovely seeing you too, Jen." I returned the embrace and waved goodbye.

     I miss our amity.

     I opened the doors of the shop and the cool air fanned my face.

     I let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding and scanned the perimeter for the safest spot to rest for the night.

     A few leaves got trampled on by my feet while I walked on the concrete ground, making my way back into the woods.


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