Chapter XXVIII

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Chapter 28


     THE AIR WHISTLES in my ears as the sun caresses my skin. We're all lovers of the sun. Who are we not to blush when she flirts with us?

     I sat by my window sill, rereading my poems and thoughts penned into my journal. The way I thought constantly changed between the months.

     A year really changes you.

     It's been a blissful week since Jay and I made up. Whenever we were together, I devoured the happiness that coursed through me.

     I've accepted that I have a gargantuan crush on him. My heart swelled and the love I had for Jay returned in no time. Not that it was ever gone, I just tried my best to ignore it, act as if it didn't exist.

     I was indenial before because he had his name written on my heart with a permanent marker. I was afraid that if I attempted to do the same that he would then grab the permanent marker out of my hand and replace it with a pencil. He would be free to erase my name whenever he wished while his ghost lingers in my heart and mind.

     The heart that betrays itself willingly, is like a nation that trades freedom for stability.

     I was afraid that my feelings for him were not mutual, and I'd lose him in the process of revealing them.

     I swear, I'm not sane at times. Would Jay really leave me? He has proven that I can trust him a very long time ago. Unlike Timon and Pumba in The Lion King, when the going got tough, the tough didn't get going.

     Heck, he risked his life for me while looking for me. We dealt with the revelations of our parents together. He was with me through thick and thin.

     I think I would have told him how I feel about him eventually, because otherwise it would drive me mad.

     But in all honesty, I do overthink certain situations.

     I'm glad he made the first move and opened up to me. I'm happy where we are at this moment of time.

     Jay is coming over this evening for dinner and I'm smiling so much, I can't stop even if my life depended on it. Not to mention that my cheeks hurt like hell.

     His caring mesmerising eyes, his dishevelled curls, his lips; his soft and foreign lips. All I want to do was familiarise myself with them and be able to call it home.

     Mama went out to a prayer group meeting. It warmed my heart and moistened my eyes to see that she is reconnecting with her friends and most importantly, with her old self.

     Three significant taps on the front door signalled that Jay was here. I was too busy dancing to music on tv to hear his car parking just outside.

     Jay looked startlingly handsome. His dark curls rippled in the air, making him even more irresistible than usual.

     Resist the temptation. Mind over body. Resist. The. Temptation.

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