Chapter XII

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Chapter 12


This couldn't be good.

I shoved people out of my way, not taking into account their comments and curse words aimed at me. I needed to get to her as soon as possible and see if she was alright.

The same guy that was making her smile was touching Ember in places that he should have not touched.

Rage coursed through me, along with other feelings and that all made me want to blow up.

Ripping the guy who was assaulting Em away from her, I threw a punch at him.

Em's mouth opened agape as her eyebrows furrowed at my actions. Fear resided in her beautiful orbs.

"What the hell do you think you are doing, huh?" I shouted at the guy as I grabbed him by his black collar, picked him up and glared right into his eyes.

We walked up in a night club, but this is about to turn into a fight club...

"If you ever try touching her again, I swear, I'll fucking hurt you so bad your own mother will not be able to recognise you once I'm done with you. Do you understand me?" I seethed.

He sheepishly nodded, clearly scared.

I harshly let go of him and pushed him into the crowd that gasped.

I turned around and took hold of Em by her wrist, tugging her towards the door.


I was lost in the midst of the scene that had just taken place.

I don't understand why Jay reacted so harsh towards the guy. We were just dancing. I wasn't even uncomfortable just the slightest.

Jay tugged me towards the doors of the club by my wrist. I didn't want to leave so soon.

"Jay!" I called out to him.

His grip on my wrist tightened as he took each long stride which I found hard to keep up with.

"Jay!" I called out to him again, more louder this time.

"What?" he abruptly stopped and snapped at me.

I winced, not expecting his reaction.

"You're hurting me." I told him, looking down at my wrist which was being suffocated by his large hand.

He immediately let go and remorse swam in his emeralds.

"I'm so sorry, Em. I didn't mean to hurt you." he apologised as he raked his hand through his head out of guilt and frustration.

"It's okay." I said to him as I rubbed my wrist with my other hand.

"Do you want to go?" he sincerely asked as his emeralds bored into mine.

"Yeah. Yeah. Let's go." I replied to his question.


Surprisingly, Jay drove his car calmly and slowly back to his apartment.

How ironic as his mood was the complete opposite.

I stole a glance at him. His grip on the steering wheel was relaxed but his facial expression wasn't.

I sucked in a deep breath, as the tension rose. I contemplated on whether to ask Jay what he was going on about back there.

Although it was dark, I hadn't recognised the road where we on. We were going somewhere else.

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