Chapter VIII

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Chapter 8


     We arrived at his apartment. He has only been staying here for a short while. Being the gentleman Jay is, he held the door open for me and let me enter in first. My jaw immediately dropped as my eyes checked his out every corner of his apartment. His place was absolutely gorgeous. An evasive white wall with silver vases and exquisite sculptures. There was a long glass table with red roses in a silver vase the middle of it.

     How is he able to afford all of this?

     "I know what you're thinking," he said with a smirk on his face, "how is this all of mine? Well," Jay began explaining, "my dad left me a huge fortune and gives me an allowance each month. He bought many apartments and holiday homes along beaches, for investments and all that sort. Some are in my name, like this one. This one is actually one of my favourites. I bought the furniture with the income I got from my photographs, poems and shows. Yeah, I perform sometimes." Jay admitted as his cheeks turned a shade of pink.

     Cute. I thought.

     I was really impressed and proud of him. He is pursuing his dreams and it is going well for him. He always loved taking pictures, writing poems, singing and playing the guitar. Let's just say, he is the more talented one between us two.

     "That's so cool Jay. You're doing it big for yourself. My little boy." I teased him as I ruffled his already messed up hair.

     He tickled me in return in order make me stop. I squealed as I'm very ticklish. He knew that more than anyone else.

     I recalled play fighting with him before we hit our teen years and he always tickled me when he realised that he was the one losing. Such a cheater.

     Jay laughed and looked at me for a while after that.

     "What?" I asked uncomfortably.

     "Nothing terrible. I just missed you, Em." he said as he embraced me with his arms.

     Teasing him, I didn't embrace him back. My arms remained at my sides. I couldn't if I wanted to, as he was squeezing me really tight. "I. can't. breathe." I joked and Jay apologised.

     "I'm going to go and take a shower then I'll be right back. You may watch some tv, or read those magazines or books stacked over there, whatever tickles your fancy." Jay said as he ran up the stairs and stopped on the last step and turned around to look at me, "Don't leave." he said as he pointed his index finger at me.

     How ironic. I was scared of him leaving me.

     Fear resided inside of me as the thought of Jay leaving me set in. He was now out of my sight and I feared he wouldn't come back, like during my mirages. My heart beat quickened and my breathing picked up. I looked down at my hands to see them  trembling, which was soon followed by the rest of my body. I held onto the edge of the counter for support.

     Two panic attacks in one morning? C'mon, Ember. Pull yourself together. My inner goddess scolded me.

     He wasn't going to leave me. He is alive. I saw him. I spoke with him, had breakfast with him, drove in his car with him to his apartment, and I just saw him disappear up the stairs just some mere seconds ago. He is not dead.

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