Chapter XXI

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Chapter 21


     MY BREATHING HEAVY, eyes focused on the road, trying not get fixated on the fact that Em could be at our destination. My heart did multiple back flips each time I thought of finding Em and my hope was fueled up even more.

     Lord, let me find her, please.

     Mrs Dawson and I drove in a comfortable silence. Well, at least that is what I thought it was. Way too many clouded thoughts ran through my mind to even think about the silence billowing throughout the car. I just knew I didn't feel the need to speak. And it seemed that Mrs Dawson felt the same way as not a word left her lips and her orbs concentrated on the road, worry etched all over her aging face.

     25 Luventus Street.

     We arrived in the sketchy part of town. The sun was on it's way to light the other side of the world, only resting on the horizon for a mere second. I came to a conclusion that it would be safer for the residents in the neighbourhood to stay in doors after sundown.

     Looking out the window, Mrs Dawson and I both searched for the number "25" plastered on the outside of a building.

     "21... 22... 23... 24... 26, 2-" I got deadpanned by my confusion.

     Where is 25?

     Slowly reversing, I checked the numbers on each of the houses and realised that 25 was missing.

     Not suspicious, at all.

     I parked my car into a vacant parking. House number 20.

     "This is 20?" Mrs Dawson stated in a questioning tone that was laced with confusion and a tint of curiosity.

     "I don't want them getting all suspicious once they hear me parking into their driveway." I explained and she immediately comprehended.

     She reached out to the door handle but I stopped her.

     "You stay here, okay?"

"But why?" hurt laced her tone.

     "They will feel threatened if it seems like we are jumping them. If I don't come out in 20 minutes with Em by my side, call for help. Okay?"

     "Okay. Be safe." she reluctantly said, sorrow swimming in her orbs.

     As I was struck by the strange, deserted feeling of the neighbourhood's atmosphere, I was greeted with very cool air whisking past my face, trying to take my hair along with wherever it went.

     I quietly tread on the cold pavement. It felt as if I were treading on thin ice, making trails of dents which lead to cracks, cautious warnings spewing out. Trouble was ahead, for sure.

     Stopping by the front door of the unknown house, I gathered myself before placing my hard knuckles onto the rusty wooden frame, tapping it thrice.

     "Come in!" an irritated voice beckoned me from inside.

      My hand landed on the cold door handle as a cloud of cool air escaped from my lips.

     Whoever is inside is expecting Big John.

     I steadily shut the door and casually made my way to where the voices of bitter laughter and attention seeking shouts came from. As I made my way to what I thought to be the living room, I took in as much as I could.

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