Chapter XXX

195 30 47

Before you murder me, I know it's been a while. You are all familiar with the typical excuse for late updates, right? Well, that is mine. Exams were exhausting and now they're finally over! I've got all the time in the world to read, write, eat and sleep, in that order, everyday. Don't forget to tap the star on your screen, as each tap makes my day a little brighter :) hope you like the new cover and enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 30

Black pebbles pave the entrance and you're immediately greeted with a sensual light, illuminated by the red lanterns. Engraved figures of animals and humans decorate the mohogany wooden doors and window sills.

There is a traditional Chinese scenery that seems to be based on love as the dominant colour being red. It reminds me of Lijiang. I have never been there but Jennaly has for vacation. When she came back she was unable to shut her mouth up about it. She fell in love with the place and even spoke of the ancient, quaint town being her dream wedding or birthday party theme. I was mesmerised by the millions of photographs she took - as any good tourist would - and dreamed to inhale the "sweetness" in the air she spoke of.

There are truly breath taking ladies in the room - stunning in such a way you wouldn't want to take your eyes off of them. The same can be said for the guys.

A woman in a black body con walks past me, sending a genuine smile on my way. I can't help but send one back. People who smile at you when your eyes meet are absolutely the best type of people. They give off a positive vibe about them.

My eyes rest on a familiar face. A well dressed, chubby Asian guy, throwing his head back with a bunch of model look alikes. They look like they're having a great time, which dares a small smile to form on my lips. A few tattoos decorate his left arm. Hhe has the sides of his head shaved, the middle of his head is dyed in silver and in a high pony tail. He's dressed in a large black shirt with tight black jeans.

"Isn't that-" I strain my mind for a bit, trying to put the name to the face. His name was on the tip of my tongue.

Boy, I hate moments like this.

"Antonio? No, that's not it. Uhm. Anthony? Yes, Anthony! That's Anthony!" I turned my body to Jay for confirmation. He simply nodded and smiled back at me.

"Wait. If that's Anthony - where is - what are we doin-" I dragged out my half voiced questions, readily formulating my own answers in my head. I scanned the room full of happy and lively guests. They were of all ages, and different ethnic minorities - Asian being the most dominant. I recognize yet another familiar face - Jake.

Jake and Anthony in the same room? The only mutual person they know is...


I do a quick and anxious scan around the large room and spot Jennaly in the far back, conversing and covering her mouth with her hand in laughter with some pretty girls.

"What are we doing here?" my breath hitched in my throat. I feel my brows etching together in worry.

"Here to celebrate a very special girls birthday." Jay calmly and cheerfully stated, as if it were no big deal that I was basically gate crashing a birthday party.

"No, but she didn't invite me. If she wanted me here-" I was cut off mid sentence by the birthday girl herself.

"You don't ever need an invite, Em." a familiar voice that belonged to a female joined in our conversation.

The cat caught my tongue and I stood there looking stupidly speechless. I didn't know what to do or say.

"Hey, Em. Sup, Jay." she said optimistically.

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