Chapter XI

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Jake is the guy in the picture attached. What a hottie he is, right? ;)

Chapter 11


Jay meandered with the curves of the narrow roads as we listened to some peaceful, classic music on the radio station. He pulled into the curved driveway of his apartment and rushed out of his car to open the door for me. I am physically able to open the door for myself. He and I both know that, but he insists on doing it for me.

How sweet.

My heart raced and my eyes nearly fell out of my eye sockets as they set their sight on Sparky.

I stood still. I was in no mood to be embarrassed once again and showcase a part two for the entire neighbourhood. I gulped and composed myself, holding my wrist.

I raised my head and stood straight. I was not afraid of a dog.

Jay saw my reaction to Sparky sitting on the same door mat and chuckled to himself. I tried to remain unfazed.

To my surprise, Jay called out to Sparky.

"Jay!?" I scolded him with a questioning tone.

Just as my heart beat was going back to its normal pace, it went back to having an irregular and fast one.

Jay patted Sparky on his head and played with it. I absolutely love animals, don't get me wrong, but this dog was just intimidating.

In life, you've got to face your fears in order to live a life worth living.

I slowly bent down and timidly pat Sparky on his head. He didn't even try to open his mouth and bite me.

"Good boy." I smiled at Sparky and Jay laughed, playfully rolling his eyes.

Soon enough, Sparky had both of Jay and I's undivided attention and happily wiggled his tail. In return, I giggled.

Jay unlocked the door to his apartment and let me walk in first. He set his car and house keys on the counter.

Jay scrolled through his iPhone and read something before looking up.

"Have you ever been to a club, Em?" he wondered out loud.

Funny question.

"Um-no. Why?" I hesitantly asked.

"Jake just texted me, inviting me to go to a club downtown with him. Would you like to go to one tonight? Only for a little while if you're not comfortable." he genuinely answered me.


Ember's eyes lit up and her eyebrows raised at my question. She was not the one to go to clubs when we were younger, mainly because we were underage. We would sneak out to parties together, though. I was curious as to what she had been up to while we were separated. Her partying in a club was one of them.

The thought of her parents lying to her about me was still screaming at me in the back of my mind. I was determined to find out why our parents lied to us. I wondered if their reasons were even valid enough. I mentally scoffed at their possible excuses.

"Really?" surprise and excitement laced Ember's voice.

"Yes. Of course! Let's go."

Her lit up face slowly and gradually fell.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I stepped forward.

"Uh- I don't have party typa clothes, you know?" she slowly explained and looked down at the ground for a mere second before looking back up at me.

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