Chapter Ten

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Ariel POV

The past week I have been planning my brother's funeral and the day has finally come. I really don't know how I feel about putting my brother in the ground but I do know I have to keep it together. Even though we weren't really close, he was still my brother and did everything he could to protect me. I was going to miss him and the idea of not being able to see him anymore really makes me sad. Kelsey hasn't really been the same since Kameron told us the news, she barely eats and she just looks at pictures of my brother. I knew she was hurting but I didn't know how to make it better.

After deep thinking I decided to text my mom about Dee. I really didn't expect her to be dramatic about it but she barley seemed to care. She told me she couldn't come to the funeral because she had to hide out. After that I didn't care anymore and just hung up. I guess I thought she would care bout one of her children being dead but I was wrong. Dee always told me we could never trust her, he said if she can leave her children without even looking back then obviously she didn't give a damn about us anyway. I used to think he was being mean but now I knew he was right. We meant nothing to her and probably never would.

Kameron POV

"Alright man we gotta do this fast, we gotta get to the funeral," I said telling Biggy as we put on our mask. We were finally moving in on Kacey. This wasn't what we planned but I made a new damn plan. He needed to know he couldn't kill the dude that has been there for me until the end and think he will get away with it. He needed a lesson and quick. I already had two crews hitting two of his safe houses while we took his trap. I sent five men ahead to take out the guards and when they gave the signal we moved. Biggy and his crew moved to the back while I took the front. I counted to three and busted through the door. It was obvious they weren't expecting us but I didn't care and just shot them all. When I made it to the back, Biggy was already there with bodies around him. "He got to be in his office," Biggy said breathing hard.

"We got men surrounding the house, his ass ain't going nowhere." Me and Biggy headed upstairs to his office and counted. When we busted in he was sitting down with a girl in his lap.

"You could've knocked," he said looking up at us like we were nothing. I smirked and shot the girl in the head and she fell on him bleeding. "How is that for knocking?"

"Actually it's a little rude, I just met her," he said pushing the dead girl off of him. He stood up and looked at us up and down. "What can I do for you boys. And by that I mean why the hell did you come into my place of business shooting up my men and busting in my office."

"Maybe for the same reason you shot my friend dead."

"Well, brother you should know what happens to people that snitch. You can't tell me if this big bad dude next to you came and told me all of your secrets you wouldn't kill him."

"First off we have never been brothers and secondly the man standing next to me would never do that to me."

"I bet you thought the same thing about your dead little friend. But tell me if I'm wrong but didn't he come crawling to me after you gave him the keys to your kingdom."

"He was my FRIEND and you killed him!" I was done listening to his excuses. I pointed my gun at him. "If you gonna shoot me do it," he said looking at me.

"Come around here with your hands up." He put his hands up and walked around to where we could see his whole body. Biggy searched him and made sure he didn't have any weapons on him. "You know you not going to shoot me Kameron, you never had the guts to do anything worthwhile in your life." I looked at Biggy and told him to give us a minute. When Biggy closed the door I hit Kacey upside his head with my gun. "Do you honestly think I am the same little boy when we first got in the game," I asked bending down to his level. "Don't think I give a damn about your life or anybody you call family."

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