Chapter Seven

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It's been a month since I moved out and I and Kameron haven't even talked. I thought I would at least get a phone call but instead I got nothing. After two weeks went by Kelsey offered to go over and see how he was but I told her not to. If he didn't want me to know then it wasn't my place to find out. The thing is I love him with all my heart and us being torn this way has just brought me down big time. I woke up this morning in a complete funk. Every day I wake up expecting a call or even a text from but every day its nothing. I have contemplated texting him or going to see him but I'm scared of the result. I'm scared he has moved on and left me behind, leaving me with nothing and alone. I don't think I have ever needed someone so bad in my life as much as I need him.

"Damn what's got you down," Collin asked knocking me out of my thoughts. When I looked up at him he was wearing some black True Religion jeans and a white polo. He looked normal and young for once in his life which just made him even sexier. "I wasn't aware it was dress down day."

"Last time I checked I was the boss so I can wear whatever the hell I please," he said with a smirk. "Well, excuse me then. Did you come for them reports because I'm almost done?"

"Nah take yo time but I did come to ask you something," he said leaning on the counter. "And what is that," I asked while typing on his reports he needed. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight." My head shot up. "You want to go out with me tonight," I asked trying to make sure I had heard right. "Yea, but not as a date or anything just to get to know you better. I like to know all my staff on a personal level if you know what I mean." I knew exactly what he meant and id didn't know how I felt about it either. On one hand I wanted to go since I hadn't been out in forever but on the other hand I felt like I was betraying Kameron in a way. "What you say ma, you in or out." I looked up at him and decided if Kameron really cared about where I was he would make some kind of attempt to know. "I'm in. What time?"

"After work so be ready," he said going back in his office. The rest if the day went smoothly except I kept thinking about tonight. I really wanted to rush home and tell him I would meet him there but I had to remember it was not a date.

Soon 5 o'clock came and the work day was finally over and I was happy to my head was killing me from doing all those damn reports. "You ready to go," Collin asked coming out of his office. I shut down my computer and shook my head. "So where are we going Mr. Wright," I asked as we walked to the elevators.

"I was thinking we could hit up Chili's but if that's too personal I could always take you to some cheap bar," he said smirking down at me. "You know what you are an even greater ass when you are not being boss man."

"Well, Mrs. Jackson being an ass is just who I am, it's just something I can't change."

"I bet you change it if I slap you across that big head of yours."

"You got jokes but you know my head ain't big, you just mad cause you don't look like me," he said snapping his fingers. I was so weak I didn't even know we were at his car. It was an all-black Escalade with tinted windows and black on black rims. "Damn boss man living big."

"See what you could get if was with me," he said as if it was nothing. He's been dropping these little hints since we became friends. Sometimes he jokes about it but other times he I can tell he is serious. Honestly is offer is very tempting but at the same time I wouldn't want to start something with someone else especially when me and Kameron are still hanging out there I think.

On the way to the restaurant we didn't really talk but just listened to the radio. I personally enjoyed it because I needed some time to think and be to myself. We soon arrived to the restaurant and it was surprisingly not crowded. When we walked in the waitress sat us our table and took our drink order. "You know what you want," Collin asked me after we were silent for five minutes.

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