Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"You sure this will work," I asked looking at my dad and going over his plan again. "Trust me he will be there he will do anything to get to me and that is what we will use to get him."

"And what if he is not alone?"

"Biggy will be our watch man and look out to make sure we are okay and in the clear." I nodded and looked to Biggy, "You sure you want to do this? You just had a baby and I know Kelsey don't want yo ass here."

"She understands I gotta do this, you are family and if anyone is after you they are after me." I knew he was scared this might be his last day but I was glad I had him on my side. He was like a brother to me and I loved him like one. "Alright be ready at three that's when we move out."

I got up and went to find Ariel and she was sleep so I just stood there and watched her. I loved watching her sleep because she looked so peaceful. "Ariel get up I need to talk to you," I said nudging her until she rolled over to face me. "Kameron what do you want?"

"I'm going after your father. I came to tell you so you wouldn't worry about me since I'm not bringing my phone."

"Who going with you," she asked sitting up now very alert. "Biggy and my dad."

"Well since Biggy is going I will go to see Kelsey I know she is going to be in a mess right now." I nodded and grabbed her pulling to where she was straddling me. "Look I need you to know if I don't make it out of this and if I don't come back I-"

"Kameron I don't want to hear it. You are coming back to me and if you don't I will come and get you myself," she said stopping me and looking me in the eyes. "I can't make any promises this time Air. I don't have that gut feeling that I'm going to win, I just know I need to do this."

"And you will and when you are done you will come home to me and our children." I looked down and placed my hand on her stomach and bent down and kissed them. "I love you."

"I love you more." I kissed her lips and that turned to us desperately trying to reassure each other we are going to be okay. I pecked her lips one more time and then got up and left. I hope to God I come back.

We got our stuff and we headed out. We arrived to the assigned place we all agreed on and something just didn't feel right. "Something not right."

"Yea I'm getting that feeling too," Biggy said looking out the window. "You see Air dad?"

"Nah I don't see anyone, I'm going to go around back and check out the location," Biggy said hopping out. I said a prayer for him and then went back to the window. "There he is. I will go out and when I give you the signal then you come." I watched as my dad got out and made his way to Air dad. They seem to be talking about something and then men came from the darkness pointing their guns at my dad. Where the hell was Biggy?

I got out without being seen and grabbed my knife from my pocket. I slowly make my way to the guys closest to me where no one could see me and quickly slit through their throats catching them as they fell. Soon I had most of the perimeter taken out besides the three guys that were surrounding my dad and Air dad. I was still wondering where the hell Biggy was but I knew he could handle himself. I got tired of playing games so put my knife away moved my gun to where I could easily reach it if needed as I walked up to them.

"Well look who it is, we were just talking about you," Air's dad said once came and stood by my dad. "I guess you came to die with your dad?"

"Nah I came to kill yo ass."

"Is that so? Seems to me all you bought is two men, not to give myself too much credit but it's gonna take more than two men to take me down." I looked to my dad and he looked like he had a plan and was waiting for the right moment to strike. I just hoped he did cause I promised Ariel I would be home. I heard the guns click behind us and my dad grabbed my hand tapping his index finger three times and I knew that was the signal. None of them knew it just looked like we were preparing our death but little did they know their time was up. The first gun shot went off and I ducked and felt it go right by ear. I spent around and clipped all two of them right between the eyes. When I turned around the last one had a gun pointed at me with a smirk but just as he was about to pull the trigger he fell to the ground with a bullet wound in his back. I looked up and it was Biggy holding the gun and sighed.

"Where the hell yo ass been!"

"Collin ass caught me and held me at gun point talking shit," he said walking up to me. "You get him?"

"Nah he got away but I clipped his ass in the shoulder and leg," he said laughing. We then went to find my dad and saw just as he shot the bullet that landed in Air's dad chest. He fell to the ground and my dad turned around and then Air dad grabbed his gun, stood up and shot my dad twice in the back. My dad fell but not before turning around and letting out his gun in Air dad. Everything went quiet and saw my dad on the floor struggling to breathe. I ran over to him dropping to my knees. "Did I get him," he asked as he coughed blood out his mouth. "Yea he dead now."


"Imma get you to the hospital," I said about to stand up but he grabbed me down to him. "Don't I want to go be with your mother. I have left her alone too long it's time I spend eternity with her."

"Dad I just got you back, I can't lose you now."

"Listen one down one to go. Handle your business and then enjoy that wife of yours. Don't make the same mistakes I did." and with that he coughed one last time and was out. I just sat there for a minute and then went back to the van. Biggy called someone to get my dad and when they arrived we left.

Ariel POV

So I had spent the whole day with Kelsey helping her take care of baby Nikko and he was so damn cute. I barely let Kelsey hold her own damn baby so she had to pry him from my hands. I just couldn't wait until my twins were here and then I could hold them all I wanted. Soon I headed back home but first I stopped at the store to get some things we needed for the house. I knew Kameron didn't like me going out by myself but I didn't have time to wait for him.

I went straight to the ice cream aisle since I was running low and then went to get the essentials like body wash, deodorant, tooth paste, and mouth wash. I also grabbed Cookies and Crème Hershey's drops. I just loved them. I didn't feel like cooking tonight and wanted my grandma to have a break so I stopped by the Pizza Hut and got two pizzas since Kameron could eat one by himself.

When I got home it was six so I hoped Kameron would be home soon. When I got in something didn't feel right. Everything looked like it was in place but it just didn't feel right. I sat everything down and looked for my grandma. "Grandma!" No answer. I went upstairs to see if she was taking a nap but she wasn't there. I then checked the one place she loved more than the bed, the kitchen.

When I got the kitchen I didn't see anyone and just as I was about to turn around and leave I heard someone groan. I went around the island and saw my grandma lying on the floor bleeding from multiple stab wounds. No, this couldn't be happening again. I lost her once and now I was about to lose her again. I dropped down searching for a pulse and found one but it was barely there. "Grandma I'm here I need you to open your eyes!" I started shaking her trying to get her to wake up. She eventually she did but she looked like death was near. "Ariel?" she crooked out looking at me grabbing my hand. "Grandma what happened?"

"Your dad came and told me my time was up."

"I thought he was he was supposed to be meeting Kameron?"

"Probably why he didn't waste any time and stabbed me and then left." By now I was in tears not from sadness but from anger. I was sick of losing people I loved because of somebody else's bullshit. "Ariel, listen to me. Your mother knew this was going to happen, all of this. I wanted to tell you sooner but she was just as much in this as your dad. This will not end if she doesn't fall too."

"What do you mean?"

"Go to your mother," was the last thing she said before she fell numb and her grip on my hand weakened. I had lost my grandma twice and this one for good. I couldn't take it anymore and all the pain I have ever felt came out as sprawled across my grandma. I couldn't feel anything but numbness as I was soon covered in her blood soaking right through my clothes. I grabbed her desperately trying to feel her warmth again but only came short as her hands were now stone cold which made me cry even harder. Soon I had succumbed to only whimpering on my dead grandma's body as the world passed by without a care. 

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