Chapter Nineteen

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The minute I got in the car I called Kameron hoping it would still be the same. It rung and rung it felt like forever before he actually answered. "Hello?"

"Hey," was all I could say since his voice rendered me mute. Just hearing his voice had me under his spell I tried so hard to avoid. "Didn't think I would be hearing your voice anytime soon."

"Can I come over?" I knew it was random to ask but I really needed to talk to him about what I just heard. He stayed quiet not saying a word which me rethink ever asking. "You know what never mind I shouldn't have asked," I said trying to make myself not seem so stupid. "No, I want to see you. I will send you the address."

"I think I know the way Kameron."

"No you don't I moved."

"Oh okay." After that we hung up and he sent me the address. I sat looking at the address trying to figure out how I felt that he gave up the first place we ever bought together. That was our special place and now it was gone. I decided to forget about it and head to the address but not before grabbing some Chinese food. When I got to the condo I was nervous as hell. The last I time I saw Kameron he was rejecting me which is not a memory I care to remember. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer and when he did I almost jumped on him. He was wearing just a towel around his waist which made my body remember just how long it had been since we had been touched. "Hey," I finally said after clearing my dirty thoughts. "Hey, come in." I came in and his place was great. You could tell he just moved in because there were boxes everywhere. "I'll be right back let me go through something on." I nodded and went into the kitchen to take the food out.

When I got the food out and had everything set up he came out in just basketball shorts showing off his very tattooed muscular body. He was like he got even more perfect and damn it was doing something to me. "I see you bought food," he said sitting at the island. "Yea, I was hungry so I figured I would bring you some too."

"Yea I am. I actually just got back."

"From where?"

"An interview about a job." I nodded trying to figure out how to ask him about what Biggy told me. I didn't even know if I should ask, maybe he didn't even want me to know. His phone buzzed and he went to get it, he looked at it and smiled, and texted back. For some reason that pissed me off. When he came back I tried to pretend like I wasn't angry even tough on the inside I wanted to know what bitch had him smiling like a damn fool. "Where are the plates?"

"In the cabinet," he said phone still in his hands not looking up at me. I mumbled a few words and went to the cabinet. I finally plated the food and handed it to him. "Here," I said not trying to show my anger. I didn't even bother to sit down I just dug in trying to remember why I had even came here in the first place.

After twenty minutes of us eating in complete silence and him texting back and forth whoever, I was beyond ready to go. I put my plate up and started collecting my trash. "I think I should get going, you seem preoccupied right now, but it was great seeing you. I'm glad to see that you are better after everything that happened," I said grabbing my things and heading for the door.

"Biggy told me he told you what I said," he said right before I could touch the door. "I know why you here. You want to know if I really gave up the gang lifestyle and if you I'm doing all this for you."

"Are you?"

"Ariel you know everything I do in this life is for you. Did you honestly think I would let the love of my life and the key to my heart walk out of my life?"

"But you said we couldn't be together," I found myself saying remembering the hurt I felt on that day. "Ariel you don't understand the pain I felt every time I came into a hospital room to see you lying there lifeless and knowing it was all my fault. I realized that I couldn't keep putting you in those situations because that wasn't love. I had to make sure that before I brought you back into my life you or me wouldn't have to look over our shoulders wondering when someone was going to kidnap you or my family."

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