Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Kameron POV

The whole ride home was quiet I guess because we were both thinking about what happened. I just met my auntie I didn't even know and now she was dead by the brother I just found out was my brother. This shit was messed up and frankly it was pissing me off. Whatever this was, was now putting Ariel at risk and I was not having that shit. I promised her I would protect her and I meant it. Whoever was behind this had better watch out.

When we got home Ariel went straight to the bedroom to shower but me I went to the living room to think. I was so into my own thoughts I didn't notice Ariel had come out. "You have a lot on your mind," she said looking at me intensely. "Yea just thinking," I said looking her over. She was wearing one of my shirts and her hair was up in a messy bun. She looked good and any other time I would be all over her but right now I needed to figure this shit out. She came and laid her head down on my lap and looked up at me. "When I was dating Collin he talked a lot about this family he had. Maybe we should look up the address to this family and ask them some questions," she said looking at me. "We?"

"Yea we."

"Look Ariel I'm not going to let you put yourself at risk, not with my children inside of you. You leave this alone and me handle this; knowing you are safe is what I need."

"Look Kameron I am not going to stay at home while you do God knows what. I am in this with you and we will figure out who doing this together," she said sitting up and looking at me. "I can't take losing you or another child because of somebody else's shit."

"Then you can keep an eye on me because I'm not leaving your side."

"Fine but every move I tell you to make you better make it and do exactly what I say."

"Whatever you say daddy," she laying back in my lap. I loved the fact that she wanted to be my side but I hated that it was putting her in more risk. I scooped her up and took her to the bedroom to go to bed; it was a long day and right now I just wanted to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of voices laughing and instantly groaned. It was too early for niggas to be in my house. I rolled out of bed and went to see who was making so much damn noise and of course it was Kelsey ass and Biggy. Kelsey was getting bigger by the minute and she looked like she was about to fucking pop. "Why the hell ya'll in my house?"

"Last time I checked this was Ariel's so maybe you should go find you a house and then I will think about answering your dumb ass question," Kelsey said swinging her hair over shoulder. "You better get your girl Big," I said sitting down.

"Aye I can't do nothing wit her, she gone talk all she want when she want," he said shrugging and switching the channels on the TV. I looked at this nigga like he was out his mind. "First your girl bring her ass in here eating my damn food and now you come in here touching on my shit like you own it. Don't yo ass got a damn TV at yo ass?!"

"Man loosen up we supposed to be family."

"Man with the family I got I don't want them in my house and you know what you do with family, you send their ass home to their own damn house. So how about you and your rude ass girl go back to your fucking home."

"Kameron be nice," Ariel said coming and sitting on my lap. "Why they here?"

"I thought we needed their help with everything that's going on. You know since Big is over the gang now, he could be a huge help to us and plus he's family."

"What's up all this family talk," I said looking at them. "Just fill them in on what's going on."

"Fine Collin is fucked up and now he's coming after me and mines and I need you to find the address of the pretend family he claims to have."

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