Chapter Eleven

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Kameron POV

It's been two weeks since the funeral and I have been burying myself in work. I have been waiting for Kacey to attack but it's been silent and that doesn't sit well with me. Kacey is not the type you want silent because that means he has a plan. While I was on the computer looking at my funds I thought about Ariel and that guy she was with. I don't like him. I called Biggy into my office to discuss it. "What you want now," he asked sitting down.

"I know I been working you but I need you to look into that dude Ariel with."

"What he got to do with Kacey?"

"Nothing but the last time we waited to check out a dude Ariel dated, he ended trying to kill my ass." Biggy burst out laughing. "What's funny?"

"You. You know damn well you just want to snoop around and see if there is a way to get rid of this guy. I told yo ass to stay away from that girl in the club but you didn't listen, look at you now."

"Look here Dr. Phil, just go do what I told you." He nodded his head and got up and left. I had to admit he was right he did warn me of what I was about to do but hey it was done now. Maybe it was best me and Ariel split for a while that way we both can get our shit together and if we can, find our way back to each other.

After Biggy left I decided to call a contact about Kacey's whereabouts. I wanted him to think I was done with him and like I didn't care about what he did, that way he would get clumsy. It was way easier to take down a nigga when they think no one is coming for them. I didn't want to kill Kacey the other day because frankly that wouldn't solve my problems; something in my gut told me there was more to this and I needed Kacey alive to find out what it was. I knew my brother which means I know he always has a bake up in case his plan doesn't work out. I didn't want to take him down and then end up losing everything.

Two hours later

"We need to talk," Biggy said coming into my office breathing hard as fuck. "What's up?"

"I went over to Kelsey's house to see how she doing and didn't get no answer."

"They probably just went somewhere," I said shrugging him off and going back to work. When Biggy sat down and sighed I could tell it was worrying him. See Biggy never worried about a girl whereabouts until he met Kelsey. It took him forever to step to her out of respect of Dee but now he is going in. He started taking her out and bringing her shit to make her feel special. He knew she was struggling with the death of Dee so he was trying to make sure he was making her comfortable.

"What you find out about this Collin dude," I asked trying to change the subject.

"He clean man, he ain't got nothing his past but poverty."

"What the hell that mean?"

"It mean the dude fucking clean Kam!" Biggy yelled and throwing down the papers he had on him down. If it was anybody else I would've pulled out my gun and shot they ass for yelling at me but I knew Biggy was worried. I also knew he didn't get this upset if he didn't have a feeling something was wrong.

"Look if you feel this strongly about it, we can go to talk to this Collin dude and ask if he as seen the girls recently," I asked looking at him. He nodded his head and we headed out.

"Damn I see why Ariel picked this dude," Biggy said as we looked around the inside of his company. We were now in his office waiting for him to come from a meeting and I got to say he was a threat. Not only did he have the money to support Ariel but he also treated her way better than I could ever. "Can I help you," he asked coming through the doors trying to show he was the boss. I shook my head, "Man we looking for Ariel."

"Why," he asked crossing his arms. "What you scared Imma take her back from you, just answer the damn question."

"Hey don't come in my office cussing at me and shit, we ain't on the streets. In this building I am the kingpin and you ain't shit, so if you want to know something you ask me with some damn respect," he said adding base in his voice. I looked at Biggy and he smirked and then I looked back at him.

"Have you or have you not seen Ariel lately?"

"I haven't seen her in two days," he said shrugging. "You haven't seen her in two damn days and you cool about it," I asked getting upset. "Look I been gone on a business trip and just got back yesterday. Ariel called me every day while I was gone but the calls stopped two days ago. I didn't think anything of it, I just thought she got busy handling her friend. I was gonna stop by after work to see if she was okay after I saw she wasn't in today." I nodded my head and left out the door. I had nothing else to say to him but I knew now something was wrong. "Where we going now," Biggy asked as we left out the building.

"Back to their place, something is off and I plan on finding out what it is," I said getting in my car.

When we pulled up to the house I could see Ariel's car in the drive along with Kelsey's so I wasn't really worried. "See man I told you they would be here."

"Just cause you see their cars don't mean they here," he said still serious and worried.

"Were their cars here when you came?"

"Ariel's wasn't but Kelsey's was that's why I thought she was here."

"Then they must've of took Ariel's car," I said shrugging. "You and I both know Kelsey would take any chance she could to drive her car." It was true since Kelsey just got the car which was Dee's. He left her the car since he knew how much she loved it and now every chance she got she would drive the damn car.

I went up to the door and knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. After five minutes I knocked again and now I was more anxious. "I told yo ass they not here!"

"Go talk to the neighbors see if they know anything," I said looking for the keys they hid. When I found the keys Biggy came running back like he had news. "You got something?"

"The old man next door said he hasn't seen them in two days. No one has been in or out since a black truck pulled up. He said he heard some noise and screaming and then everything went quiet." Now I definitely knew something was up.

I unlocked the door and walked inside to see things thrown around and glass broken. I went to Kelsey's room with Big right behind me and saw her window was up. Which was weird since she never opened that window. Her lamp broken and the door had a bullet hole in it. I went to Ariel's room and her door was off the hinge like someone broke it down. Her room was still kind of neat but I could feel like something was off. "Maybe she got away?"

"If this is Kacey he would never leave Ariel. He knows she is the only person that I would search the world for. Something is off here, search the whole room," I said going to the closet. I knew Ariel which means I knew if Kelsey was in trouble she wouldn't run and hide if so she would've already come to me. I looked for the only thing that would let me know the truth and found it untouched. "They got her," I said with a box in my hand.

"How you know that?"

"Because if Air heard a gunshot she would immediately go for her gun. She is trained to protect and she also knows how to handle her own but her gun is still in the box she hides it in. There is no way this gun would still be in the box if she got away," I said opening the box and picking up the loaded gun. When I looked down I saw there was a note in the box. I put down the gun and picked up the note.

Did you really think I would fall that easy?

One thing you never do little Kameron,

Is leave your enemy alive especially when you have the chance to kill them.

To show you how I appreciated your kindness, I took the most important thing in your life.

This kidnapping will go a little differently though because see I don't want nothing from you, I mean I got everything you consider valuable. When I send you back the bodies maybe then you will understand this ain't no boy's game, you want to play you better be ready to play as a man.

P.S. If I get the chance I won't just shoot you in the legs like a bitch, you better be prepared to die little brother

I accidentally updated chapter twelve before eleven so please make sure you read the edit

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