Chapter Forty-One

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I was going fucking crazy in this damn house and it's just been three hours. I hated not knowing what was going on and I just wanted to make a break for it. I know Kameron was just trying to keep me safe but I hated this shit. "Hey calm down, he can handle himself," Rico said coming like nothing was wrong at all obviously I was the only one going crazy. "I made some sandwiches of you are hungry."

"No thanks I can't eat." Just saying that made my mouth twist up. Ever since I have been pregnant I have been eating nonstop. I just wanted Kameron at this point. "Okay then how about you sit down and tell me the names you were thinking about."

"No offense but I really don't want to sit here and chat like we are girlfriends at a time like this. Honestly I want to grab my gun and finish this myself but Kameron took my gun."

"Damn how the hell he manage to get a girl that likes to shoot?" I looked at him and just shook my head. "I only shoot people that make me angry."

"Okay killa I'll show you to your room it has a TV and a bathroom." I followed him to the room and when I entered it was gorgeous. It was white with gold trimmings and the bed was huge with white bed sheets. "Did you do this?"

"Yea, it's one of my many talents," he said shrugging. "If we ever make it out of this you are definitely doing babies' nursey."

"It's a deal." With that I went in the room and laid on the bed trying to go to sleep but I couldn't not without Kameron next to me. Questions were running through my head wondering if he was okay and if he would come back to me. I even went as far as to try and figure out how I would live my life without him and if I even could. Could I move on and find somebody else? Just thinking about somebody else touching me made me want to puke. No one would ever have the effect Kameron has on me and that was the end of that. If Kameron didn't come back I would be forced to raise my kids alone with just the memory of him through our children. And when they were all grown up I would have to resort to getting cats because we all know kids never want to deal with their parents after they think they are grown. I pushed my hair out of my face ad rubbed my belly. "I hope your daddy is okay." When I said that I felt a little pain and then again and I realized the babies were kicking. I laughed at their little feet kicking and then sighed because Kameron was missing his babies' first kicks.

I eventually got up and took a shower and threw on some grey joggers and black tank top and got in bed trying to find much needed sleep.

Kameron POV

I pulled up to Biggy's house and he was sitting on the porch looking at his phone. I walked up to him and sat next to him. "You ready for this," he asked looking me as if trying to read my next response. "Honestly I want to turn back and go get Ariel and run for the hills but at the same time I know that if o don't do this he will never leave us alone."

"True but think about it this way after all this is done and over with we can finally start our lives the way we want to. Just keep your mind focused on that and everything will work out the way it should." I looked at him and realized just how much I loved him. Whenever I fucked up he was right there to look out for me and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Hell he was more of a brother than any of my brothers ever were and for that I loved him. "You know what Richard if we make it out of this alive I will personally buy you a house for your new baby."

"Alright man don't let me live and I don't get my damn house," he said mugging me. I just laughed and stood up, "Let's make this happen," I said holding out my hand. He took my hand we headed to the truck we only took for missions.

An hour later we pulled up the warehouse Collin told us to meet him at. We walked in and Collin was sitting in a chair like he was waiting for us. "It's about time you showed up."

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