Chapter Thirty

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Kameron POV

I woke up the next morning in a mission; I needed to go talk to my mom. There was something she wasn't telling me about Collin and I wanted to know now. I needed to know what I was dealing with it. Ariel had to take Kelsey shopping for the baby so she wouldn't be with me and I was happy. I wanted her to stay far away from this shit but she insisted on being involved. I know she was worried about me but what she forgets is I used to the be The Kingpin so I think I fucking handle myself. "You up already," she asked turning in bed to look at me.

"Yea I need to go talk to my mom and get some answers."

"Be nice to your mom Kameron, I know how you can get when you are on a mission. She is not me she doesn't know how to handle you so just try to calm down."

"Oh so you know how to handle me," I said leaning down close to her face. "Trust me I know how to handle you," she said smirking. "How about you show me."

"If I do then neither one of us will be leaving this room," she said biting her lip. I leaned closer to her face and gently pecked her lips. "I will see you when I get home." She nodded and then I got up and left out.

When I got to my mom's I knocked and then waited. Ever since she got back it's been weird and honestly I don't know what to do with her. I just feel like she doesn't belong in my life and all I need is Ariel. It's hard fitting in a mom when you never had one.

"Kameron, what are you doing here and where is Ariel?"

"She had something to do, can I come in." she nodded and stepped aside. I went into the living room and sat in chair. "What can I do for you," she asked smiling as she sat down. "I need you to tell me everything you know about Collin and don't leave anything out." When I said this her smile dropped like she was expecting something else. "Kameron your brother-"

"He is not my brother," I said interrupting her. "Okay then Collin is not okay...mentally."

"What you talking about?"

"I lied when I said I never went to see or never saw him after I gave him to your auntie. She called me and said something was going on with him so I went to see for myself. We took him to the doctor and they diagnosed him with schizophrenia. They gave him some pills to take but after he ran away I think he may have stopped taking them. If he has then you are in more danger than ever."

"Why is that?"

"Because he resented you, he hated you because I chose to keep you. If he is off his meds then he will do anything to kill you and maybe even Ariel."

"Thanks," I said standing up to leave. "Wait!"

"What," I asked turning around. "I know you don't know how to act with me since I been gone so long but do you think maybe for once you can treat me like I'm your mom and have breakfast with me. I can cook you anything you like," she said looking hopeful. I was about to say no but then I remembered my promise to Ariel. "Fine." Her eyes lit up and she ran and hugged me.

When she said she would cook me something she really meant it. She cooked everything from pancakes and waffles to assuage and bacon. She had so much food on the table I didn't know where to start first. "You really didn't have to go this far."

"Well, I didn't know what you liked and I just wanted to make sure I gave you options."

"Trust me I eat anything, if you ask Ariel some of things I eat are too weird." She nodded and made me a plate. I instantly dug in when she sat the plate in front of me. "I'm glad you have someone like her," she said randomly. "What you mean?"

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