Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I woke up with a huge pain in my side and I could barely take it. I was struggling to get up but was restricted by Kameron's arm. It felt like I had to puke but then it felt like I didn't. "Kameron get up," I said trying to remove his arm weakly. He grumbled and then moved and as soon as he did I bolted to the bathroom and landed right in front of the toilet. I tried to get whatever was trying to come out but nothing came back pain. "Hey are you okay," Kameron asked kneeling beside me. "Something hurts Kameron and I don't know what." Tears were now burning my face as I tried to contain the pain. Kameron went and put on a shirt and then came back and scooped me up bridal style. "Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to the hospital something is not right." he put me in the back to lay down since whenever I tried to sit up straight pain would rip straight through me like a knife stabbing over and over. The ride was silent as Kameron drove like the speed of light, running every light possible until he pulled up to the hospital. He ran to my side and got me out easily so he didn't cause any more pain. He ran up to the front desk, "Can help you sir," she asked looking happy. She was a middle aged woman who looked like she would snap into mother mode any second. "Yea my fiancé she is pregnant and something is wrong. She is in pain and we don't know what is happening." She nodded her head and picked up the phone and the next thing I know I was being laid on a bed and Kameron was struggling trying to get to me. I could tell he was in distress but I gave him the look like I would be okay and he settled down.

They took me to a hospital room and put a needle in me and within a single second I was out.

When I woke up the pain was gone and I felt light as a feather. I moved a little and when I did my head felt like I had been drinking for days. "You're awake." I looked over and saw Kameron beside me. "What happened?"

"They said they gave you something to ease your pain and knocked you out so they could run some tests."

"How long have I been out?"

"Just an hour but it has been the worse hour of my life. You scared the shit of me Ariel," he was now towering over me. Even though we just woke up only two hours ago he looked like he hadn't slept in days. I reached up caressed his face and he leaned in like it was exactly what he needed. "I'm fine Kameron and besides the pain is gone."

"Yea that's because you are on medicine but what happens when it wears off." before I could speak a white man wearing a white coat and looked to be in his mid-50's walked in. "Glad to see you are awake Mrs. Johnson."

"Yea me too, can you tell me what is wrong?"

"After doing multiple tests we saw that everything seems to be perfectly fine with not only you but the babies."

"Then how can you explain the pain I felt."

"Simple you have been through too much stress and your body is trying to not only handle carrying the babies but also the stress of life. You need to take it easy or you not only putting yourself in danger but also your babies."

"So if I take it easy I won't feel that kind of pain again?"

"Yes and that is why I am putting you on bed rest for a week and I also prescribed you some medicine that will keep your hormones in balance and help regulate your stress levels." He gave us the paper and then left saying I was free to go. "I knew I shouldn't have gotten you involved in this. From now on your ass is staying far away from this shit."

"Kameron you can't keep me away if I am a part of this. The whole reason Collin is after you is to get to me."

"I don't give a fuck Ariel, this shit is not causing me the one I love again so from now on you stay out of this," he said looking at me seriously. I wanted to argue back but I knew it was no use. He had his mind set and right now it was on protecting me at all cost. "Fine but you better keep me in the loop; I want to know every move you make. Do you hear me?"

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