Chapter Thirty-Five

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When the ambulance came and took my mom I didn't know how to act, I just felt numb to it all. It was like I had completely shut down and the world around me was moving while I was stuck in one place. I finally understood how Ariel felt when she saw her grandmother in here and now here I was about to lose my mom again.

Right now we were waiting to find out anything we could and Ariel had called my dad to let him know what was going on. He immediately broke down and I could understand that, he loved my mom with everything he had.

We waited two hours before the doctor came out, "Family of Wright." We jumped up and met her half way. "Is he okay," my dad asked. "Well right now Ms. Wright is in a coma. She had two stab wounds; one hit her in the stomach and the other in her liver which is now damaged severely. She lost a great amount of blood and to keep her stab we put her in an induced coma to allow her to heal but we still don't know if that will be enough to save her. But what we do know because of her past she will need a liver transplant if she does make it."

"Can we see her?"

"Yes but as I told you she is in a coma so she will not be up." We nodded and went to see her. As we entered the room everything was quiet and my mom was just lying there lifeless. My dad instantly broke down and all I could do was watch as the scene played out.

I honestly didn't know how I felt at this point I was just going through the motions while feeling nothing. I wanted this to all be a dream and yet every time I opened up my eyes it all came crashing down to me making me realize this was my reality. "You okay," Ariel asked looking down at me with sad eyes. "I'm fine."

"Kameron I know you aren't fine just talk to me," she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I said I was fine! Just leave me the fuck alone," I said storming out of the room. I wasn't in the mood to talk about my feelings and shit like that, I was over this shit. I walked outside to get some air to cool down because if I didn't I was likely to crack any moment. I was tired of losing people because other people thought they could take them over some bullshit. I got out the damn gang for this reason alone and now these niggas was still starting shit with me and now they were coming after my damn family. I was sick of all this shit and just wanted out and fast.

"You okay?" I looked up and saw Biggy standing there with his hands in his pockets. "You tell me."

"I heard what happened with Ariel," he said sitting down next to me. "Yea I bet."

"Don't do that."

"Don't do what?"

"Act like a complete ass when you know you're wrong. She was just trying to help." I sighed, "You don't think I know that? I just can't take this shit anymore and I'm tired of these fucking games. It's like every time I turn around shit popping off."

"I understand but she knows how this feel and she is just trying to take away the pain as much as she can." I nodded and looked off at the empty space in front of me. I knew this shit was getting to me I just didn't know how bad but now I was getting an idea. If this didn't end soon I would be forced over the edge.

Just as I was about to get up my phone went off letting me know I was getting a text. I looked at it and almost snapped.

So mommy is sick

And daddy is crying

Does that mean brother is tired?

Give up now and no one else dies

Or I will be forced to expose all your lies

Next will be the one you love most

With their head on a post

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