Chapter Forty-Three

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Two months later:

So today Kameron woke me up at eight in the morning talking about he had something to show me. I knew it had to be important because he was fully dressed and had even left and came back with food. He was like a kid on Christmas day. I had just got out the shower and had a towel wrapped around my body looking in my closet for something to wear. "You just got out the shower, we supposed to be at the restaurant at ten," Kameron said walking in with biscuit in his hand. "Look if you don't leave me alone I am six months pregnant going on seven, don't make me beat yo ass." After that he shut up and plopped on the bed and watched TV. I decided to wear a beige long sleeve dress that stopped at my thigh since everything I seemed to put on irritated me. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and that was it. I just really wanted these babies out, I looked huge since I was having twins and I could barely see my feet. "Kammy can you put on my sandals," I asked batting my eye lashes. He looked at me and then got my sandals and put them on. "You better be glad I love." I just laughed because since I couldn't see my feet I had Kameron painting my nails and everything. "Can we go now?"

"Yes, you big baby." With that he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the truck. The drive to the restaurant was long and I was glad I had my snacks with me to keep me company. An hour later we pulled up to the restaurant and Kameron came to my side and helped me out. I hated getting in and out cars because that was a job in itself. He grabbed my hand walked us inside and I had to say this was a beautiful place. "Well look who it is," Rico said coming from around the corner smiling. "I thought I told you ten?"

"Not my fault she wouldn't hurry up," Kameron said pointing at me. "Keep on you gonna be sleeping on the couch," I said glaring at him. "Okay you two have a seat in my office so I can show you what you restaurant will be looking like. I think you will love it." We went into his office and sat down and he took out a bunch of sketches and floor patterns and wall colors. "Okay so this is what the inside will look like, we listened to what you wanted and tried to make it real." We looked at the sketches and it was gorgeous, it had all my favorite colors: gold and white with crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. On side of the wall was covered with mirrors and the kitchen was just flawless. Kameron's eyes were wide and he looked like he was about to jump up for joy any minute. "And here is what the front will look like."

When set the sketches for the front of the restaurant in front of me I almost fainted at what the name was- Ariel's Place. I looked at Kameron and he had a big smile on his face and that's when it clicked. He was rushing me so I could see this. "You named your restaurant after me?"

"Hell yea! I wouldn't be here if wasn't for you. I owe you everything and more." By now I had tears in my eyes and I couldn't stop them, damn these hormones. "Okay take these and show it off and if everything goes to schedule you should be ready to move in a month or two.

After we left I was hungry as hell but Kameron wouldn't let me eat anything talking about I will eat later. At this point I wanted to punch him in the face and then eat. The whole ride home I was looking around for some snacks I hid in the car for times like this. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for my damn food since you starving me to death."

"Just chill you will eat soon."

When we got home I tried walking inside but he grabbed me telling me I couldn't. Okay first I couldn't eat and now I couldn't go in my own damn house, somebody was about to die. Just when I was about to cuss him out Kelsey pulled up and Kameron nodded at her. Okay something was definitely going if they were working together. "Look I need you to go with Kelsey she will fill you in on everything."

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