Chapter Forty-Six

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"Did you get everything out of the kid's room?"

"Yes for the third time and I got everything out of the kitchen," he said plopping down. I had to make sure everything was right because I did not want to get to Atlanta and not have my shit. Everything was finally set up which means we could finally move to Atlanta and start our new lives. We had been up since six in the morning packing and because the kids wouldn't stop crying. It was like they knew we were about to leave and just wanted to make our lives harder. Every time we would almost finish a job one would cry and the others would follow. It was like they were synced and planned this shit on purpose, I swear they were going to be handful. "Get up we are moving tomorrow so we need to have everything together for the movers when they come."

"I told you, you don't need to pack everything up. I am not selling this place so leave some of this shit here. We will buy new stuff when we get there."

"Fine but I want the stuff from our bedroom." He nodded and got up and went upstairs with some boxes in hand. I went to check on the kids in their play pin since we finally went shopping for them. I saw they were just playing with their toys so I went and made lunch. I knew Kameron was starving and so was I. Kelsey called and said they were coming over to help us before we left and I didn't mind because we needed the help. I simply made roast beef sandwiches with Swiss cheese, green peppers, and mayo. I poured us some Kool-Aid and then went to find Kameron. I heard him putting things in boxes so I knew he was in our room. "You hungry?" he looked up and then his eyes went wide. "You made lunch," he asked taking the tray from me and climbing on the bed to eat.

"Well I thought you might be hungry since I have had you running around here."

"That's why I love you."

"Because I make you sandwiches," I asked getting in the bed and taking my food and cutting on the TV. "Nah because you make the best sandwiches," he said wiggling his eyebrows. I slapped him upside his head and then started eating but I did have to admit I did make some good sandwiches. Kameron finished his or more like scarfed it down and then took his back to the kitchen. I was eating slow because I was catching up on my Bad Girls Club. He then came back with all three of our children like he was juggling them. "What are you doing?"

"When they saw me they started crying and reaching for me and you know I can't resist my babies." He sat them down and they just began to roll around. Marquise crawled to me which he always does since I always kiss on him. He is truly my baby boy. I can't wait until he grows up, I just he isn't like his father. He had them same intense eyes that Kameron have that would make you weak just looking at them. He started pulling my hair which hurt like hell. "Hey stop that little man daddy likes my hair," he just looked at Kameron and then kept doing what he was doing. "You know when Kelly and Biggy will be here?"

"Nope she just said they would be coming around this time with food," I said shrugging and throwing Marquise up in the air. He was going crazy giggling. I laid back and put him on my chest and then Kameron put Brianna and Brooklyn on me too so he could finish packing. Soon the kids were sleep and I could barely breathe from all the weight. They were really growing especially since Kameron likes to sneak and give them food.

He soon finished and came in getting dressed which seemed very odd. "And where are you going?"

"Rico said he needed to talk to me about some final decisions about the restaurant. You want to come we could stop by your people too and make sure they are okay." I thought about it and then said okay. First I had to get these babies off of me. "Can you please unattach your kids from me?" He just laughed. "What's so funny?"

"If you could see yourself you would be laughing to. They look like they are eating you," he said laughing and holding his stomach. "Just get your kids off of me." he eventually did and took them and got them dressed trying not to wake them. I put on my khaki skinny jeans and short sleeved burgundy top that I tucked in. I added a matching belt and put on my black pumps. I was so happy I had dropped the baby weight and could wear my clothes again. Even though my ass was bigger now and my boobs are too. Unlike Kelsey I was gonna try to lose mine, I loved the new improvement. I straightened my hair with a part in the middle and added my necklace Kameron brought me. I put on my make-up and matching lipstick. When I was done I grabbed my phone and purse and went downstairs but I didn't see anyone so I figured they were in the truck and I was right. Kameron was putting the kids in the back. "Well aren't you a good dad."

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