Chapter Thirty-Three

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Today Kameron has called a group meeting to discuss a plan to take down Collin. So right now everyone is gathered in the living room catching up on what has been going on. There are even people I don't even know in my house and honestly it's getting crowded. Kameron and Biggy were nowhere to be found so I found Kelsey and sat by her. "Hey girl!"

"Hey what you doing here?"

"Biggy dragged my ass here talking about it ain't safe for me to be alone and all that shit. He hasn't let me out of his site in weeks especially since I'm five months pregnant."

"Yea I know what you mean Kameron has been Mr. Protective-"

"Hey sexy you must be one of Kameron's hoes," one guy I didn't recognize came up to me interrupting me. I looked at Kelsey and she looked like she was about to go off and then I went back to him. I stood up, "I don't know who the hell you are but if you want to stay in my damn house then Imma need you to find some damn respect."

"Bitch you must forgot your place," he said looking me up and down. "You need to get yo black ass-"

"What's going on," Kameron asked appearing out of nowhere. "You need to get your damn friend before I do," I said with my hand on my hip. "Man Kameron I don't know where you found this one but you need to put back in her place," the guy said attempting to push me but was stopped by Kameron grabbing him by the collar and pushing him up against the wall. "Don't you ever attempt or even think about putting your hands on her again or I swear I will kill you. When you are in this house you will not only respect me but you will also respect my future wife who is pregnant with my children. She is not a ho and I better not ever hear you treating her like one either. Do you understand me," Kameron said gripping him tighter. "Y-yea." Kameron let him go and then sat down pulling me down with him like nothing happened. "Now let's get down to business I ain't got all damn day." Everyone sat down and waited for what to do. "First thing first this is Bunky, Spider, and Jumper," Kameron said pointing to a light skin dude with dreads with grey eyes, the rude nigga that was dark skin with a low cut fade and big spider tattoo on the side of his neck, and a caramel skin dude that was quiet and didn't say much. I could tell he was short but he was kind of cute like in a little boy way. "These guys had my back, back in the day when I was first getting started." I nodded and let him continue.

"Okay so this Collin nigga as stepped up his game to dropping bodies to prove a point and we need to nip this shit in the bud."

"So why he after you in the first place and who is this nigga," Bunky asked leaning in and looking in the direction of Kameron's dad. "Long story short Ariel dad promised him if he helped him then he would get her and plus he can't stand me because of the decisions my parents made. And that nigga is my dad."

"Word? I thought yo dad was dead," they said looking confused. I just laughed. "Well according to my mother the nigga I thought was my dad isn't my dad and this nigga right here is."

"So who was the fucker that's dead," Spider asked. "Some nigga my mom got wit for money." I could tell these questions were uncomfortable for Kameron but it was the truth we all had to deal with. "Damn I wish we knew that then cause I would've offed his ass a long time ago before yo mom had to."

"I know right that nigga didn't rub me the right way. It was so many times I wanted to pull out my gun and shoot that nigga right between the damn eyes," Bunky said and they all nodded in an agreement.

"Can we just get back to what we need to be discussing?"

"So what's the plan?"

"Well I found out he got businesses and properties all around the world but the closet on is here in Miami so I think we should check it out, maybe we will get lucky," Biggy said. "I want to go with you maybe I can help," I asked looking down at Kameron. "Nah you and Kelly staying here where we know you are safe," Kameron said getting up and kissing me on the forehead. "I will be back before seven but I will have my phone on if need anything." Just like that everyone was gone and Kelsey had made her way to the kitchen. I got up and saw she had already started mixing her up some waffles and had bacon on the stove. "Well damn just make yourself at home."

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