Chapter 01: The Outsider

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"I just want to know where she is, Tai. I just need to know," Van said in a pleading voice.

Cold sweat formed in her temple while strands of her red hair stuck to her face. Her body was shaking from having another panic attack that woke her up from sleep, and she couldn't help but grip her own shirt tightly with her fist and let the other one hold her wife's hand.

"She's gone, Van. It's been more than two decades. You need to let her go." Taissa responded in a calm, comforting voice.

Some of their nights were like this. Van wakes up from a nightmare and looks for her out of nowhere. When the morning came, it was as if nothing had happened and everything was normal. Taissa accepted this a long time ago. She knows, and they both know, that there will always be episodes like this for the both of them, and there's nothing they can do about it no matter how many therapies they do.

"It's not your fault," Taissa whispered.

"No... Why would they never tell us? I just need to... see her. I just..."

The red-haired woman lost her voice little by little as she sounded more tired, word after word. In just a few seconds, Taissa can feel the woman's heavy breaths once again, indicating that her wife is finally back to sleep.

She carefully put another pillow on Van's head and covered her with a blanket, wiping her wife's sweat and tears on her face and tucking the loose strands of red hair on the woman's face behind her ear.

Taissa closed her eyes, trying to remember their friend's face and how her voice sounded, only to feel broken as they were now all blurry.



"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

"Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!"


The loud cheers from yesterday's victory for the Yellowjackets can still be heard from the corridors of their school. Students of Wiskayok High School were all hyped up and cheering for the girl's soccer team, and they obviously wouldn't stop until the girls left to go to the nationals, which is not until tomorrow.

Agami started to pack her things the moment their school bell rang. She was even shoved by her classmates and almost fell down from where she was standing, as they were so excited to leave the room that some of her things landed on the floor.

"Assholes," she whispered.

As she was picking them up, an announcement was suddenly heard from the speaker in their classroom.

"Calling the attention of Agami Dickinson, please proceed to the Guardian's office. I repeat, calling the attention of Agami Dickinson, please proceed to the Guardian's office. Thank you."

The only thing that registered with her was confusion. Their club doesn't have a meeting until Friday, and she was also certain that she finished all the work that needed to be done yesterday. She simply shrugged all her thoughts off and waited to know the reason why she was being summoned to the office when she got there.

When she left their classroom and started to walk in the corridor, she came across a familiar face. The moment their eyes made contact with each other, the girl smirked at her as she spoke.

"Someone's in trouble," said the girl.

"I'm not like you, Scat. I don't do trouble," Agami responded to the girl as she raised her right hand for a quick high five, which Natalie accepted.

"One day we will bring out the rebel in you, Agami," Natalie replied.

"You can only try," said Agami.

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