Chapter 21: Buzz Ride

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The sky was still in twilight when Natalie woke up. She wasn't able to get a nice sleep at all because the moment her eyes shut as she lay down on her bed, her mind immediately woke her unconscious self up, like it was telling her to be alert. But she knows the true reason why she couldn't manage to relax and rest, even for a little bit.

In a few hours, if they were lucky to succeed with their plan, she'll see Lottie again. The very same Lottie Matthews, whom they all thought they would never see again after she left without a word decades ago.

Lottie's the one who was too cruel to abandon her during the hardest part of her life.

And just as she goes on with the flow of her now pretentious, better-than-ever life, Lottie appears again. After all those times of hoping she would see the woman once more and after giving up on that idea a few years ago, why does it have to be when she already had the courage to move forward in her life?

Natalie gritted her teeth as she clenched tightly on some key that she couldn't throw away even after an excruciating torment of a long time had already passed, her mind thinking of only one thing.

Lottie still knows when to perfectly strike her.

She then looked at the time-an hour remaining before they left to make an attempt at seeing an old friend she assumed was now leading a cult. Their plan was already settled, and all they have left to do is get on the road all the way to Camp Green Pine.

But as Natalie prepares her personal things, she hears an alarm coming from one of the cars parked in her apartment. So she rushed towards her door to check what triggered the alarm.

After taking a few steps away from her doorway, Natalie's eyes widened upon seeing the state of her car on the left, parked beside what she guessed was Misty's, which apparently was the cause of the loud noise.

But what surprised her the most was the fact that Taissa was bent down beside Misty's car, holding an ice pick, and puncturing its tire.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Natalie screamed, running towards their cars, specifically at Taissa.

The woman didn't even look at her, as if she didn't hear a word she said. So she forced her to face her.


And as she turned Taissa's body with enough force, she knew that, as their eyes met, the woman was clearly disoriented.

"Nat?" the woman asked, puzzled at the situation. "What-where-"

Taissa took a deep breath and tried to compose herself before speaking again.

"Why am I here outside?" she asked Natalie, who just gave her a confused look. Her eyes then landed on the sharp object she was holding with her right hand, immediately throwing it to the ground.

"Oh god..." Taissa whispered, scared. She focused her eyes on Natalie. "Did I hurt you?"

Getting a hold of the situation, Natalie shook her head as she responded. "No. But you should ask the cars the same question."

Taissa could only cover her mouth after seeing where Natalie was pointing.

"I did that?" she asked, her sight fixated on the punctured and now all-flat tires of Natalie and Misty's car.

"Well, I sure as hell didn't do it," Natalie replied. "So, you were sleepwalking again? And you guys forgot to mention-"

Natalie was cut off when Taissa's phone suddenly rang, then answered it immediately as Van's name flashed on her screen.

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