Chapter 23: Shroom Feast / World Shroom Day / Shroomcoming (Part 1)

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i realized it's hard to put foreshadowing in your writing if it isn't screenwriting. lol. but if you read between the lines, the foreshadowings for this fic are in this chapter and the next.

also, part two was hard to put into words. if only i could direct and produce them in real life. lmao


Their day didn't just start earlier than usual. But rather, everyone was also looking forward to making the preparations for the party.

Everybody was treating it like a day off for their usual tasks and chores, as they decided not to hunt or go to the lake to fish. Instead, they will spend the first half of their day decorating a spot not far from their cabin, where they will hold the celebration while Mari and Krystal prepare their food.

Natalie and Yumi were hanging the ornaments that Gen and Mel made, which are obviously just random objects they could pick up in the cabin or scattered around the area, that they managed to turn into something decent enough to be used as decoration.

Laura Lee, Lottie, Akilah, and Taissa were working on everybody's headdresses, as the three girls insisted, but Taissa was clearly working on something else. On the opposite side, Shauna, Jackie, and Ben were cleaning the utensils and preparing the other things they would use later.

In addition to the firewood in the center, Misty was currently arranging the stands where they would put the torches that would give them light once the sky turned dark.

Then there were the two brothers, who were setting up their improvised gong—per Jackie's suggestion—for when they made their entrances later. Javi was pulling up the heavy metal as Travis tied the rope around a tree to keep it hanging within Javi's reach at a level where he could hit it.

"I should have just helped Misty with the torch stands," Van complained as she tightened the knot she made connecting the dried logs they found earlier.

"We made a raft, Palmer. Who else could make a nice arch besides the two of us?" Agami replied, doing the same thing on the other side.

"Why would you even think of making one anyway? They already have decorated something for the entrance," said the red-haired girl, then signaled Agami to finally set up the arch, then pulled it together to stand.

"And they did a terrible job on it," responded Agami, grinning. "But what we're making is better. It should look good for the photos."

Van's face beamed upon hearing that. "Is it still working?" she asked Agami.

"Yeah, checked 'em earlier," the girl replied. "And I'm already on my last batch of batteries and films, why not use what's left of it for this occasion right?"

As they finished setting up the arch and decorating it with vines and wild flowers, the two of them helped with other stuff like getting the table from the cabin and carrying it all the way to their venue.

After everything was finally put into place, Jackie was the one to make the announcement of giving everyone at least an hour to prepare themselves for their party, which everybody agreed upon and immediately went to their own businesses.

Most of them were quick to grab their makeup kits and do each other's faces or start to style their hair. But Agami rummaged through her suitcase to find the most decent top and pants she had brought along to wear. Unlike the other girls, she didn't bring a dress.

If the dinner to the awards night that they were talking about actually happened, she'd be roaming in the area and taking pictures of them in her grandpa sweaters and corduroy pants while they all dolled up for the said event.

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