Chapter 20: Ace of the Yellowjackets

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Agami runs. Agami ran as fast as she could and hoped that none of them would be able to catch her. She's not ready for their questions, not yet. The only thing she wanted to do at the moment was breathe out the tightening she felt in her chest.

So she went to the lake. Maybe she should just drown herself after what happened and after what she did.

But they're obviously not letting her go easily because she can hear everyone not far behind her screaming her name loudly as she tries to get away from them. And knowing that there's no way she could escape from them, Agami stopped running, letting herself catch her breath before she faced them again.

Suddenly, a heavy fist struck her face and tackled her to the ground. She didn't fight back. She simply closed her eyes and let whoever was beating her do it freely, accepting the punishment she knew she deserved.

"Yumi!" screamed Taissa at the top of her lungs. Travis rushed towards the two and immediately pulled the girl on top, who was continuously hitting Agami, off her body.

The girl's strands of long and wavy raven hair blocked her sight, but she didn't stop resisting, still kicking her feet as Travis pulled her away from the already bloodied-faced Agami.

"Yumi, stop!" Shauna yelled as she could still see how the woman's kicks landed on Agami's stomach repeatedly.

Natalie, who finally got closer to the two, dragged Agami a little away from the mad woman.

"Let me fucking go!" the raven-haired girl screamed angrily, still trying to escape from Travis' hold.

"Hey! Quit it!" yelled Laura Lee as she stood still in a distance, her arms holding tight onto her teddy bear.

With one last strong push, Yumi was finally able to get off Travis' hold. Only this time, she didn't rush toward Agami and stared at everyone.

"Why do you all act as if I'm the one who's wrong here!?" she asked them, throwing daggers. "She just took away our chance of getting out!"

Their attention shifted from Yumi to Agami, who was now staring into the sky in the lake's direction as if she didn't cause the chaos that was happening, as if she was not even slightly bothered by what just happened.

Her whole face is aching from the blow that she received from Yumi. Her lips and eyebrows, which have small cuts and are bleeding, sting. Still, she didn't spare them even a glance.

"Do you mind explaining why you did that?" Jackie asked Agami in a serious voice, knowing that what Yumi said was right.

Jackie knows that Laura Lee, flying that plane, was their ticket out of the wilderness. If she was successful in doing it, then maybe she'd be able to find some help, and they'd be rescued.

Coach Ben, who had just arrived at the scene, roamed his eyes around and was confused at the situation, especially when she saw Agami's bloodied face.

"It wasn't safe," Agami, who had been quiet the whole time, finally said.

Jackie shut her eyes firmly as she could feel the anger in her system rise. Did Agami assume they never thought of that before they let Laura Lee do it? They all know there might be some risk of flying that plane, but they also believe that Laura Lee would be able to fly it. She spent months learning how to do it.

"So your resolve was to shoot it?" Jackie stated, still glaring at Agami. "What if she managed to fly-"

"The best thing that could happen was for her to fly that plane for a few meters," said Agami, staring at the horizon.

Jackie was about to say something upon hearing that when the Agami spoke one more time.

"The worst thing that could happen was the plane exploding while she was on it."

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