Chapter 10: Seance Gone Wrong

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Visiting the meat shed was the first thing that Agami did when they got back to check if Shauna had already started cutting the remaining meat from last night and offer some help if the other woman needed it. She would do anything, any chore, just so she could stay out of the cabin but still be useful. What she didn't expect she would see was Jackie and Shauna hugging each other quietly, and she must have accidentally disturbed some private moments between the two friends. Agami was about to turn around and pretend she didn't see anything to not make things awkward, but Jackie had already seen her.

The girls then let go of the embrace, and Agami could only stand in silence, too embarrassed to move a muscle or even say a word. Jackie left immediately, saying she couldn't take the smell of the raw meat and the sight of it anymore, which made Agami roll her eyes. She finally approached Shauna, who was now starting to cut the deer meat into strips.

Agami took the liberty to prepare and clean the long table where they could arrange and place them to dry. They were both working in silence when Shauna decided to end it, asking Agami a question that the wind thought was out of the blue.

"You're working in a pharmacy, right? I think I saw you there once when my mother asked me to buy some meds," said Shauna.

Although confused, Agami responded to the question. "Not me, but my father. Maybe I was just there to chill or man it for a while when you saw me," she told Shauna. "Why?"

Shauna put down the hunting knife she was holding. Her bloodied hands were shaking badly, and Agami saw the woman turn pale as she faced her.

"Do you think you can help me with some drugs without a prescription once we get back home and are rescued?" asked Shauna in a serious voice.

Agami didn't answer right away. She stared at the woman with furrowed brows, contemplating Shauna's odd request.

"It depends on what it is," she responded to the woman, waiting to hear further details from Shauna.

"I might be pregnant," Shauna replied straight to Agami.

The woman smirked at her, shook her head repeatedly, then laughed.

"You know, Shipman, that could have been funny if I hadn't cracked that joke earlier," said Agami.

She then turned her back on Shauna and went back to prepare the table. When Agami didn't hear any response from the woman, she threw another glance at her, but Shauna was just all quiet and still staring at her. That's when Agami realized that the woman wasn't joking.

"Shit," said Agami in a low voice, her hand running over her own mouth. "For real?"

Shauna nodded her head and leaned on the table, then massaged her temple.

"I'm late, and what you said earlier gave me the idea. Their questions to you made me realize that I'm the one who's actually pregnant."

Agami understood what the woman meant to say. Clearly, Shauna had sex before they boarded the plane, and that resulted in her current situation. She didn't need to ask who the father was since that's none of her business, but what she had to give the woman was a response to her favor being asked.

It's not the first time that Agami was approached by a girl and asked the same thing. Students in Wiskayok know that her father was a pharmacist, and she herself had access to all the medicines and drugs in the store. Some of their schoolmates came to her, pleading for help, and even offered to pay her huge money if she would sell them medicines that would cause serious bleeding if a pregnant woman drank them, which of course would lead to what they actually want. Miscarriage. But she never said yes to anyone, not wanting to be part of such acts that would risk her father's job or even get him jailed.

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