Chapter 16: The Royal Table, Journal, and Hot Chocolate

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The group left an hour ago and the rest of them went to the lake to take a little swim. Agami's plan was to join them and get her personal stuff first in the attic but when she entered the cabin, a loud scream of a high pitched voice welcomed her.

"No, I'm not done!" she heard Jackie yelling at Shauna who was standing in the doorway of the pantry. "You're obviously hiding something from me, and it's making me feel crazy!"

Agami shook her head as she watched the two best friends, hands up, as she turned around and ready to leave the cabin again. "Nope, I'm out."



Jackie settles down in one of the eight chairs surrounding the long antique table in the kitchen of Taylor's mansion, which her friends used to call 'the royal table' because of its European candlesticks and always fresh centerpieces arranged on the platform as if they were always expecting a visitor. The porcelain set of Royal Doulton dinnerware present on the table was a sight for sore eyes, but not for Jackie anymore.

She used to think that being fancy after being born into a rich family was the best thing that had ever happened to her. But as time passed, she came to a long list of realizations, to the point that she couldn't even name them anymore.

As she eats with her parents, her mother suddenly breaks the silence that has been going on with them since they've started breakfast.

"How was your stay in France?" Mrs. Taylor asked the woman.

"It was great," the woman replied dryly. "I tried the art class you signed me up for when you learned I was in France for a break."

The old couple stared at each other after hearing Jackie's response. The man nodded gently at her wife, who then opened another topic.

"Did you visit all the places we suggested? I hope Hugo keeps you in nice company until the end."

Jackie put down the fork and knife she was holding harshly on the table, which created a loud thud. The woman closed her eyes and tried to collect herself before responding to her parents.

"No," she sighed heavily. "Actually, I ditched that man before he could even take me to a candlelight dinner after visiting Versailles Palace."

She looked at them with annoyance and let out a sarcastic laugh before speaking again.

"But I ventured off the itinerary you made for me, and you know what? I loved Aven d'Orgnac."

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor remained quiet after that, as they could not find any words to say to their daughter. Jackie then frowned at her parents.

"Stop setting me up to every man you know wherever I go, or you're not gonna hear from me again," she threatened her parents, then took a sip from her tea.

The old man reached for Jackie's hands, resting on the table, caressing them gently as he spoke. "We only want what's best for you, Jackie. You're not getting any younger," Mr. Taylor said softly.

"And we're getting old, dear. I just want you to settle down and see you have a family of your own like the other women of your age do," added Mrs. Taylor.

Jackie shook her head repeatedly as she responded. "No, we both know that's not gonna happen."

"Shauna, did it. I don't know how things ended up that way, but Shauna found someone," argued the old woman, oblivious to how complicated the story behind everything was. "Jackie, we let you do whatever you wanted to do because we understand how hard things must be for you after what happened. But haven't you had enough fun exploring everything there is to discover in the world already?"

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