Chapter 14: A Narrow Escape and Divine Embrace

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The five of them rush back to Taissa and Van's home immediately after that. Since they had no business left to do back at the reunion, they decided to do their planning in a much more comfortable place than in their old high school, filled with nosy people who never stopped asking them to share some stories about their survival in the wilderness.

Jeff tried to stop them, especially Jackie and Shauna, saying the two ladies would be needed on the dance floor before the night ends, with Jackie as the batch '96 prom queen and Shauna being his wife that he just wanted to dance with despite their little quarrel about their daughter.

Although he was told by Shauna about the emergency that their friend group was dealing with, something they clearly didn't want to share with him, they still both left the reunion, which left him with no one to dance with. His situation was pathetic; it sucked. But it wasn't satisfying enough for Van's entertainment that the woman had to yell in front of their batchmates to put Randy Walsh to use and just dance with him.

"What if he already found out about the listening device and destroyed it? It's been almost an hour," asked Shauna, referring to Everett.

Misty shook her head immediately, showing her phone to the woman.

"If he did, then it should be disconnected. I could still hear some faint noises," the woman explained. "I think he's just too focused on his driving."

A few moments later, the same static sound was heard from Misty's phone before the audio got clear.

"Hello?" They heard Everett's voice again.

Everyone gathered immediately around Misty and Shauna as they all listened to the device.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I disturbed your sleep? Well, I left a nice goddamn reunion because of you," he said, talking to the person on the other line, whose response they couldn't hear.

"Of course I will be at the game tomorrow. Why do you think I'm still driving at this hour?"

Van and Taissa exchanged looks, wondering about what the man was talking about but just continuing to listen.

"It's gonna be fine. Don't overthink it... Those girls will become the state champions and head to the nationals. They trained hard for it, you know that."

The women felt sick after hearing the words that once made them feel over the moon, not knowing that it would turn into a tragedy that would cost them their lives.

"Boston is gonna make a comeback, I'm sure of that. Those girls are great players, and you're not bad yourself. Stop being a pessimist."

A little tense, Jackie snatched the glass of wine that Shauna was holding and drank it all, trying to satisfy the thirst in her throat.

"I'll tell you everything in person before the game.... I'm not really comfortable talking about it over the phone."

Taissa couldn't help but raise her eyebrows as she knew where the call was going-they wouldn't be able to hear something useful from Everett.

Or so she thought.

"No, I didn't tell anyone about you, especially them. I don't think they even have the slightest idea about our connection until now," said Everett in a defensive voice.

"I know they're your friends, but I also know it's not my place to tell them about it anyway...Alright, I see you tomorrow."

After that, they heard him kill the engine of his car as he bid goodbye to the person he was talking to, uttering a familiar name they hadn't heard in a while outside their circle.

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