Chapter 26: The Keeper's Symbol

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Thorns. Mud. Blood.

The split ends of the broken twigs pierced through her bare feet, dirty with soil from running-for she didn't know how long it had been-and covered with blood coming from the small cuts all over their skin. Her once beautiful white floral dress was completely worn out, with multiple holes on the frayed sides of each of the sleeves that are currently caked in blood, sweat, and even tears.

She runs. She ran as fast as she could. One of them had found her. And if she wasn't quick enough to escape, she would die.

Everything that she had done before is now haunting her. From when she was still a kid, all the sinful thoughts she had, down to what they did to survive the winter.

Maybe this is what people tell you about-your whole life flashing before your eyes when you know you're going to die.

She hid behind a den of a large tree and closed her eyes, calling to every saint she knew and praying to God to save her.

Just a few more minutes. She only needs a few more minutes. After that, it'll be over.

But it hasn't been a while since she uttered her prayer when she heard footsteps coming her way, followed by a voice she knew who it belonged to.

Her silent cries intensified, and the only thing she could do at the moment was bring her hand to cover her mouth.

It was the very first time she felt such strong fear. The person she had been trying to run away from finally caught up to her.

"Come out, Laura Lee!" she heard the voice say.

With just that, her body was shaken even more.

"I'm just doing what is needed to be done-"

A rock suddenly hit the tree across her, creating a low thud followed by a rustling sound as it fell to the dried leaves scattered everywhere. She knows what the girl was doing-trying to smoke her out.

"This is nothing personal! Come out now before I lose my patience!"

At that moment, Laura Lee felt another thing for the first time.

She felt abandoned.

The god she had devoted herself to in her whole existence didn't answer her prayer, not when she needed Him the most. No signs. Nothing.

And then it hits her. Was there really a time when she felt Him? Or was she one of those people who spread empty words and held onto them just because she needed something to believe in?

She heard the same voice again, but only this time she didn't understand what it was saying as it was moving away from her.

And with all the courage she had left, she stood up, taking a peek at what was happening that distracted the girl from hunting her.

There, she saw another person she never thought she would see again, especially not at the moment.

Their eyes locked. She knew she saw her, even for only a second. But that was enough.

So she sat down once again, covering both her ears this time as she curled to the ground with her eyes closed and ignoring the voices around her, wishing for the darkness to finally come and set her free.

Slowly, Laura Lee could hear the noises in her surroundings grow louder.

It didn't take a long time for her to realize what just happened. She had another dream-or rather, a recurring nightmare, as she prefers to call it.

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