Chapter 13: Return of the Foundress

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"What the hell is going on?" asked Natalie in a shaky voice.

Her face was painted with both surprise and confusion as she stared at the sight before her. And it wasn't just Natalie. Van, Tai, Shauna, and the rest of the girls had the same reaction as they all silently watched the woman in front of them.

Agami, who just woke up and is still half awake with only an eye open, immediately headed out of the cabin when she noticed that she was the only one who was left inside. She was yawning on her way out and accidentally bumped into Travis since she didn't even notice the man standing in the way. Puzzled by the silence going on with the group as they all stood in line at the cabin's porch, Agami pushed her way in to finally join everyone, standing between Natalie and Mari.

"You fucking broke her, Dick," Natalie told Agami, her gaze not moving and still fixed on the woman in front.

Agami rubbed her eyes so she could see properly what they were all staring at.

And there, Jackie was holding an axe, lifted over her head, then swung it down with all the force she had as she chopped the log in front of her in half. She wasn't even looking at them, as she was too focused on what she was doing, taking on the pile of woods on her side one after another.

A moment later, she finally shifted her gaze to her side, looking at the others but showing no sign of surprise or any emotion to her audience.

Jackie wiped the sweat forming on her forehead as she asked the girls a question. "Do you guys think it's still too big?" she said in a plain voice.

Shauna opened her mouth, but nothing came out of her lips, as if she still couldn't process what was happening in front of her. After not getting any response from everyone, Jackie shrugged her shoulders off as she spoke again.

"It is, right? Whatever. I'll just chop them all in half again."

Agami ran her hand through her face, finally understanding the situation and what Jackie was doing. She then gave Natalie a quick look before speaking in front of everyone.

"Anyone up for a little swim? We all stink," she said, trying to get the attention of everyone instead of fussing over Jackie's actions.

Before she could even turn around to go back inside the cabin with everyone to get her things, Agami met Jakie's gaze, locking eyes, but didn't exchange a single word.



A sound of heels echoing can be heard in the cold, long, and empty hallway. The woman's eyes focused on the displayed blue and yellow decorations as she slowly approached the familiar door.

Her lips curled upward upon reading the sign hanging on top of the doorway. 'Welcome back, Wiskayok High School Batch '96!'

She didn't wait any longer and pushed the door immediately, walking confidently as she entered the gym and smiling beautifully, knowing that there would be cameras lurking around to take everyone's photo. Although her eyes took a few moments to adjust from the blinding lights of the whole space, she didn't stop searching for a specific table and looked around.

As the woman roamed her eyes everywhere, she saw some people from what she thought was the best part of her life staring at her as they exchanged whispers with the person they were talking to. She tried her best not to roll her eyes at them and just gave them a fake smile.

None of them matter, and she was only present at the event for one reason.

When she shifted her gaze to the left, she felt her heart beating faster than its usual pace when her eyes met the pair of big brown ones. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of the woman in a dark floral dress who was now standing from her seat and holding a glass of drink, not taking a step to meet her halfway, but obviously waiting for her to finally join them.

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