Chapter 24: Shroom Feast / World Shroom Day / Shroomcoming (Part 2)

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What is happening? Where is she? And how is she doing it?

"Ohh, Travis, fuck..."

The boy collapsed beside Jackie, panting as he covered his body with the blanket lying beside them. Despite how good it was to finally experience sex with someone, the boy felt guilty about what he just did. Soon, regrets will follow and haunt him.

Jackie dressed up immediately. Contrary to what she thought she would feel after losing her virginity, a wave of emptiness hit her like a speeding truck instead of feeling like she was on cloud nine.

She didn't feel fulfilled. She felt dirty.

It felt wrong.

"We disappeared though, right?" Jackie heard Travis whisper.

The girl stared at Travis quietly, her eyes blank, while her mind was full of incoherent thoughts. Suddenly, Jackie shifted her gaze to the attic's window.

"Someone's watching," Jackie said, getting a little dizzy but refusing to lay down beside Travis.

Jackie stood up, leaving Travis alone in the attic, and went down to exit the cabin.

She could see them clearly. She could feel what they were feeling. She could hear what they were thinking.

The view then changed to Natalie, who was wandering in the woods alone with nothing accompanying her but her thoughts about Travis and her feelings toward the boy.

She failed to realize a little earlier that he had left with Jackie. And if Travis left with Jackie, of all the people with them, she already knew what would happen next.

Natalie's hatred for the girl grew intense. She wanted to find the two and shoot them both with her rifle. But she shook that thought off her mind quickly and tried to focus on her surroundings.

Because as she took another step forward, her vision started to get blurry and a little distorted.

The girl did her best to stand firmly, a hand leaning on a tree, to help balance her whole body and not fall down. She then closed her eyes, shaking her head repeatedly, attempting to collect herself.

But as she opened her eyes once again, Natalie stared intently at what's in front of her, as if she were looking at someone, confused but certain she was being watched.

"Who are you?"

They could see her. But why did Natalie not recognize her?

Before she could even dare to do anything, it felt like she was pulled by a strong force of wind and thrown somewhere else. Her sight then caught something else.

There was Ben. He was already on the ground, terrified and struggling.

He has to get as far away as possible from Misty.

Ben was certain that the girl poisoned him again because that's the only possible explanation why his body is not acting normally and he can't think clearly. All he knew was that he should move while he could.

So he did. He crawled and just continued crawling, and he had no intention of stopping as long as he could still move.

Ben feels it. He's in danger. From Misty? Maybe. But something inside him is telling him he's not safe and he has to save himself.

When he raised his head, looking up and fixing his eyes on the sky and couldn't help but plead upon seeing something.

"Help me."

There it is again. The wind that's keeping her away from everyone is pulling her before she could even do something.

Everything was a little clearer as she roamed her eyes around, seeing the whole surrounding area of the larger view.

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