Chapter 06: Reciprocal Visions

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The cold water of the lake sent shivers down Agami's body the moment it touched her skin. She removed the improvised splint she put on her arm, which prevented further injury in the past days, and tossed it somewhere. She didn't know where it landed since the sky was still in twilight, not too dark but not yet perfectly lit either, so it was a little hard to see the surroundings. Agami even tripped four times when she was walking to the lake and landed on her butt one time as she struggled to see the path she's taking.

She woke up before the others, that is, if she can even consider that she actually slept because she wakes up hour after hour since she closed her eyes, as she still felt anxious staying in the cabin. Given that her sleep is already disturbed, Agami simply decided to finally get up and visit the lake to have some alone time. She also used that opportunity to bathe and freshen up, bringing a clean pair of clothes and her personal hygiene kit.

The cold feeling was gone, and all Agami could feel right now was how great the water was, so she took her time diving, swimming, and dipping herself in the water repeatedly. She was busy enjoying herself in the lake when she saw someone standing on the shore and watching her, which brought an instant scare to her.

"Jesus Christ," Agami stated, hand on her chest, and gave the woman a questioning look.

"I woke up and realized you were gone," said Lottie, then started to remove her own clothes.

"No shit," replied Agami, shaking her head as she went back to soaking herself in the water.

She swam a little further from the shore and noticed the other woman doing the same thing, following her. Agami let herself float, stared at the sky, and tried to keep her mind off the happenings in the cabin. Her thoughts then were interrupted when Lottie spoke.

"Do you feel it too?" Lottie asked. Agami didn't answer, so the woman continued talking.

"I know you do."

Agami shut her eyes and took a deep breath before speaking.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said, deadpan. Lottie stared at the woman.

"Is that why you were awake last night?" asked the long-haired woman at Agami.

"I couldn't sleep last night. It's just a coincidence that I found you there. Nothing more, nothing less," replied Agami.

"When we found the cabin, I know you felt something wrong about it too," Lottie said in a serious voice.

"Well, the plane we're boarding crashed. I'm pretty sure everything went wrong after that," she responded, avoiding Lottie's questions.

"Agami," said Lottie.

Hearing her name being called by Lottie made Agami stop fooling around. She stood on her feet, faced the woman, and looked straight into her eyes. Lottie was staring at the woman with an intent gaze.

"You're different from the others. Why do you resist it?" asked Lottie, her brows a little furrowed. Agami snorted as she responded.

"Tell me, Charlotte. Doesn't being different scare you? Are you not scared right now?"

Lottie lowered her head, not responding to the woman's question she didn't know will backfire.

"Thought so," said Agami.

Then there was silence. They stared at the sun that was now slowly peeking from the horizon, looking absolutely mesmerizing with the mix of blue and pink sky accompanied by cirrus clouds. Agami smiled at the breathtaking scenery, appreciating its beauty, as she spoke once again.

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