Chapter 05: Echoes of the Wilds

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A nice melody was playing from the soundbar, loud enough to be heard in every corner of the place but not a blasting kind of noise that would give you discomfort. It added to the cozy, aesthetically pleasing atmosphere of the place with its dim light, antique furnishings decor, and cobblestone interior, which helped create a sense of relaxation. The same old man who always served Taissa whenever she visited the place stood behind the polished mahogany bar counter, wiping some glass with a clean white cloth and humming to the music.

Taissa sat on the bar stool, placing her bag to the side, and took her phone out as she greeted the bartender, who then gave her a warm smile, ready to serve, but didn't ask the woman yet about her preferred drink of choice, knowing that she'd only make a request for it if Taissa already had someone to drink with. She roamed her eyes around the pub. There were only a few people inside, which she liked, and they were all just talking silently. Some of them were familiar faces, while most of them were complete strangers, probably visitors from next towns or, unfortunately, accidentally wandered into Wiskayok to spend their night.

A few more songs played in the speaker when the person who's Taissa had been waiting for arrived. She was in her usual flannel shirt and denim pants, her face showing a reserved expression that she has always had since high school. The woman smiled upon seeing Taissa, her hand making a little wave as she walked in Taissa's direction and sat beside her.

"Did you wait too long? Sorry, I had to make sure Callie isn't going to sneak out again," said Shauna.

Taissa shook her head as she responded. "Not exactly. I've been here for not more than twenty minutes."

The two women ordered their drinks as they both settled down. Once the bartender handed it to them, Shauna decided to finally start the conversation.

"I'm surprised you asked me to have a drink with you on a Tuesday night," said Shauna as a starter.

"I just want to take my mind off of some things," Taissa replied, taking a sip from her glass.

Shauna stared at the woman as she spoke. "Tough day in your law firm?"

"No. I mean, every day is tough when it comes to my work, but it's all good," Taissa replied, pausing for a few seconds.

"It's..." she tried to respond to Shauna but was hesitant. Shauna understood it quickly.

"Is it about Van?" she asked. Taissa nodded slowly.

"She had another one last night, you know. And it's been almost a year since the last time she dreamed of her."

"How bad?" Shauna asked further.

"Just the usual. Van is still looking for her and blaming herself until now for what happened," Taissa said, looking heartbroken for her wife.

Shauna sighed heavily, finished the drink she's holding, and asked for another before speaking again.

"I think you and I both know that we'll never understand them," she said in a low voice. "Van, Natalie, Lottie, and..." Shauna stopped when she caught her own reflection in a mirror. Her eyes focused on the necklace around her neck.

"I know," Taissa interrupted Shauna, completely aware of what the woman was referring to.

"They've developed some kind of bond with her. I mean, I'm sure she's the reason why I still have Van. They were each other's company out there, you know, keeping each other's sanity," she added to her statement.

Taissa can still remember how she sometimes catches Van fooling around with Agami and how they move somewhere far enough from the others so they wouldn't see them having fun. The two girls were trying to not be insensitive about what the other girls would feel since they act so childishly as if they are not stranded in a woods full of danger and every day is not a game of survival.

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