Chapter 02: Arrival in the Wilderness

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[Location: National Transportation Safety Board Headquarters, Aviation Department Office, Washington, DC

Time: 16:21, nine hours after rescue]

Various sounds can be heard from across the room. Soft cries, heavy breathing, and silent prayers lingered in the heavy atmosphere that surrounds them.

Natalie watched the quiet woman across from her, who seemed to be lost in her own world, and couldn't help but notice the scar on the woman's head that was fading lightly. She still remembers how the woman didn't say another word upon entering the room again and just sat in the corner by herself.

She can only clench her fists when she sees the slight bruise that is still visible around the woman's neck, then frown as she realizes that there's one thing missing from her whole appearance, knowing that the person was still wearing it earlier before she left the room.

The continuous screams of a high-pitched voice are the loudest noise that can be heard in the room, along with the sound of the door being punched and kicked.


Natalie and probably everyone in the room can see the blood on the door and the girl's knuckles due to her aggressive hitting on the thing that's keeping them locked inside the room, but nobody dared to stop her. She was the only one who was brave enough to do the thing they wished they all could do at the moment.

There were beds enough for all of them, clean clothes, as well as food and water on the table, but no one touched anything upon arriving in the room. Most of them were cuddling together on the hard ground, holding each other, and probably still processing everything that was happening.

"HOW DARE YOU DO THIS!? TAKE ME BACK IN THERE!" screamed the woman, still banging down the door with her possible fractured bloody knuckles. Natalie could only watch her in silence.

The woman stopped when the door suddenly opened. She even tried to use that as an opportunity to get out of the room, but she was blocked by some women in uniforms who held her in both arms.

"Get off me! Fuck off!" She tried to protest.

A man wearing a white gown entered the room, approached the hysterical woman, and slowly injected something into her left arm. The hysterical woman slowly calmed down.

They laid her down on one of the beds gently, and the rest of them only watched as the woman finally lost consciousness.

Another person entered the room, all silent but with tears streaming down her face. The red-haired woman looked at Natalie before going to the other girls, joining them, and cuddling on the cold ground.

What followed after that was the sound of steel boots echoing in the now quiet room.

"Natalie Scatorccio," said a man.

Before leaving the room, Natalie gazed at the distracted woman who was still sitting in the corner of the room, completely unbothered by what was happening around her.

Natalie was brought into another big room, empty if it weren't for the table and chairs in the center. The man offered her a glass of water, which she accepted and took a few gulps of to remove the dryness in her throat. Natalie stared at him after that, which the man took as a sign to finally start.

He opened the white folder, which Natalie guesses contains some personal information about her.

"Miss Natalie Scatorccio, my name is Rook Hudgens, and I have a few questions for you," said the man, intentionally not saying whatever position or rank he was, as if he was trying to level with the girls a little.

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