Chapter 15: A Party on Quest

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"Oh, my God. Meat. Fuck, yeah!" screamed Van right when Travis and Natalie appeared from the woods carrying a deer tied to a stick.

"Oh, thank you, Lord!" added Laura Lee.

Agami herself cheered at the sight of their hunters' first bounty in two weeks, grateful that they could finally eat something. But the joy only lasted for a few seconds when they got a better view of the dead animal.

It looked different. Not the good kind of difference, but rather, you know there's something wrong with this type of difference.

"Whoa. That thing is gnarly," said Van.

"It's like Freddy Krueger and Bambi had a baby," Akilah remarked.

As Natalie and Travis lowered it down, Agami walked in Van's direction and stood beside her, joining the rest who gathered around it to take a look at it.

"That deer is dressing up for Halloween," she whispered at the red-haired woman, her face showing that she's completely grossed out.

"Guys, relax. Deer shed antlers every season," said Coach Ben, trying to explain to them the reason behind its appearance. "This is normal."

The man then shifted his gaze towards Shauna, whose eyes are still a little puffy, but you'll only recognize it if you know she cried. "Shauna, do the honors?" he told the woman.

Shauna took the butcher knife immediately out of her bag. She didn't waste a second, then cut right through the deer's throat. But instead of blood coming out of it, there was a rotten smell in the air that could make someone with a weak stomach puke, which happened to Van.

"I'm not crazy," she heard Lottie say.

"No. You have a gift," Laura Lee replied to the woman.

Agami couldn't help but throw a glare at the two women across from her. She can tell that they are referring to Lottie's possible visions that she finally shared with Laura Lee because that's the only explanation she could think of about the random baptism they did on the lake earlier. And she knows that that isn't good.

Their attention was shifted suddenly when Taissa screamed in frustration.

"We cannot fucking do this, you guys!" the woman said in a loud voice, facing everyone, "What happens when winter gets here? We fucking starve to death or freeze?"

When she didn't get any response from anyone, Taissa finally revealed her plan to them that she had been thinking about for about a week now.

"We can't count on getting rescued anymore. All of us know that it's not gonna happen! We have to save us!" she declared. "That's why I'm gonna go find help. I'm leaving in the morning."

Agami nodded her head as her mind wandered to different things. Of what Taissa's plans could give everyone, both in terms of how it could be beneficial to them and how they could possibly create a bad turn for all the things that are happening around them.

But they have to try, especially now that she can feel that something is coming.

"Come with me if you want to get out of this fucking hellhole," Taissa said before she left to get back inside the cabin.

At night, Agami once again took her time playing the same melody with the flute like she always does. Once again, a heavy feeling settles on her chest that she cannot get off. It must be the reason why she dreamt-or rather, had terrors-during her sleep again.

She then woke up anxiously, all sweaty, and saw Van's face as the very first thing she'd seen for the day.

Agami stared at the red-haired woman, perplexed. "Palmer?"

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