Chapter 18: Crack in Pandora's Box

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new character/s will be added in the next chapters. if you did hard-core research on yellowjackets, you'll know about Yumi Heineken and how she's close to being a canon character on the show. also, i believe that the writers will add new characters in the next season from the 1996 timeline and bring those remaining nameless characters from the first episodes of the show to life.

soon, this fic will deviate from the canon story, and i will take shits into my own hands (wish me luck that i'll be able to do justice).


Shaking legs, numbed back, and aching arms were what Agami was feeling at the moment. She badly wanted to stop moving and just lay down on the ground to rest, but she couldn't. Nobody in their group aside from her was capable of carrying Van on their backs while running at the same time.

They'd been doing it for more than an hour, but there was still no signal from the others, who were supposed to meet them halfway as planned.

Was it because Mari had some trouble leading them, or was she just not quick enough to meet them faster? Or maybe they are now lost in the wilderness and weren't on the right track.

"We're almost there, just hang on," Agami told Van, or rather, she convinced herself.

In another hour, they'll lose daylight. And once they lose daylight, Van will be as good as dead.

"Misty, are you sure this is the way?" she heard Natalie ask the anxious woman.

"We just passed through where we met earlier, right? I'm sure we're on the right path," replied the woman in glasses, confident in where she's leading them.

As they all continued to move along, Agami's worry for the injured woman's life grew intensely. She can feel her legs are almost on the edge of giving up, and they would need someone to take over what she was doing. The number of times she nearly trips over roots or rocks has doubled, which indicates that her knees are starting to weaken and that they cannot already handle any slight disturbance from the uneven ground.

"Red smoke... red smoke..." Agami heard Van whisper between her heavy breaths.

"What?" she asked her but did not earn any more responses from the woman. "Palmer, what red smoke?" Agami tried again, but this time her voice was loud enough that Taissa heard her.

The short-haired woman immediately searched for something in her bag. Van's statement knocked sense into her. And the moment Taissa got a hold of it, she didn't hesitate to point it up and pull the trigger of the flare gun.

Although she didn't stop moving, everything started to get blurry after that for Agami. But shortly, she comes to realize that someone was trying to get Van off her back and take over carrying her.

As she gets to take a good look at her surroundings, Agami finally sees everyone who has now come to help them, with Travis ready to run back to the cabin and the injured woman on his back.

The moment Agami was sure that someone had finally taken Van, she let herself fall to the ground, taking continuous, deep, and sharp breaths that brought pain to her chest. Her sight was spinning, and she couldn't even feel anything from her waist down, while her upper body, which grew accustomed to Van's weight, suddenly felt light.

"Go! We'll be right behind you!" she heard the familiar, high-pitched voice scream.

"It's gonna be dark soon, it'll be dangerous if you guys stay here!" replied Laura Lee.

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