Chapter 03: First Night in the Uncharted

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"Agami, get up," Natalie whispered to the woman who was curled up on the ground, shaking her gently but enough to wake her up.

The woman opened her eyes slowly, giving them some time to adjust to the brightness of the sun. She shifted her to Natalie, whose face was covered with dirt and dried blood on her nose. Agami then felt a metallic taste in her mouth, and when she tried to wet her chapped lips, she twitched from the stinging sensation that followed after doing it.

"Your ability to sleep in serious life-and-death situations is on a different level," Natalie told the woman, offering her hand to help Agami stand up.

"I had a dream," said Agami, still half awake. "The plane crashed."

The woman with bleached hair looked at Agami with a blank expression before responding to what the woman just said.

"The plane crashed, Dick."

Agami rubbed her eyes and checked her surroundings. Clearly, the plane where they boarded earlier is now scattered into pieces, and some parts of it are even on fire.

"Oh," she said, memories of earlier happenings finally flashing back in her mind.

Realization then washed over her. "Oh, shit."

"C'mon. It's better to stay with everyone. Also, I need to get back to Lottie and rip some stuff," Natalie said.

The two of them walked quietly back to where everyone was, and they might have arrived at some kind of situation as the girls were discussing some things.

"Uhm, maybe something from the bar cart?" said the woman with glasses.

"There wasn't one. I mean, it was just soda. It's cheaper that way," replied the other woman, who was wearing a dress.

"Maybe somebody brought contraband," said Laura Lee.

That made Agami stop taking another step, as well as Natalie. Everyone was looking at them, or rather, at the woman standing beside her.

She looked at the quiet woman, who seemed to be caught up in what Laura Lee just said, and she couldn't blame her. They were just minding their own business a few seconds ago, but now she was being cornered by the girls.

"Okay. Wow," said Natalie. Agami wanted to laugh at the situation if it wasn't so serious. She can even see Natalie holding her own laugh.

"Well, did you?" asked the woman with the glasses once again.

"Obviously," replied Natalie. "But I stashed it in my bag, and God knows where that is now."

Agami zoned out after that, as she felt her head still throbbing. The next thing she heard was a loud scream from a man.

"Fuck my leg! Oh, fuck! Is it bad?"

She takes a peek at the situation, only to fall back again beside Natalie when she sees the man's state.

"Holy shit, Scat. That man is missing a limb," she whispered to Natalie, her eyes wide from the sight.

That's when Agami realized that she was lucky enough to just get cuts and bruises. There's a person in front of her who just got his leg amputated and will forever be crippled if he even gets to see another day and does not die from loss of blood or infection.

Everyone went back to their own business after that. Agami watched the woman with glasses, Misty, as she did her rounds at everyone and checked them one by one. She was surprised when someone tackled her so hard to the point that they almost fell to the ground if she wasn't quick enough to find her balance to prevent them from falling.

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