CH. 20 Box Of Chocolates

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Father had been complaining for the last few days. In the last four days, he was having awful migraines. Those were horrible. Seeing him in pain actually made me feel sorry for him. Even if he was the cause of my own headaches.

"Honey," Karen greeted him as he walked in, finally arriving from work.

Father held his hand up, motioning for her not to speak so loudly. Oh, he had a headache. I could see the pain in his expression.

"Soft voices please," he requested. His head was down as he walked into the kitchen. He looked awfully exhausted.

"I like big butts!" gorilla came in singing from the top of her lungs. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Gloria, Mike has a headache," Karen informed but not threateningly at all. Did she not care?

"Sorry," gorilla's apology sounded so fake and forced.

"It's okay," father smiled weakly. Wow, unbelievable.

Angie was next to me, leaning against the counter. Instead of wasting anymore of my attention on these people, I decided to reach for a cup. After getting it out of the cabinet, I let it close.

Unexpectedly, the cabinet door banged somewhat loudly.

"Riley," father hissed. His face scrunched as he tried tolerating the pounding headache. "Apparently, you don't care about my health," so practically, he accused me of being heartless but not Gloria?

Answering him would be useless. I looked the other way. Simply ignored him. The way he was treating me was not fair. Nothing was said to Gloria when she walked in singing, actually, shouting. Everything was different with me though. No matter what I did, it was always considered bad.

"Don't bother with her, honey," Karen acted like a lovely woman. She even massaged his shoulders. Father walked to the table and sat down on a chair. She continued massaging his shoulders. "Why did you get home a little late?" she asked him. As if this was the best time to start a conversation with him.

"Because I went to see my doctor, I wanted to ask him for another prescription," he replied. "The pills that he gave me are not working for me," he explained. Woah, the pills that he had were very strong, what else did he need?

I ate a banana while eavesdropping. Hey, it was my ears fault. Angie was listening in on their conversation too. While Gloria plugged in her AirPods.

"Did you ask the doctor what the problem is?" Karen yawned. Couldn't she at least pretend to be concerned? It couldn't be that hard, she was doing a great faking job a minute ago.

By the way, he did not need a doctor to know what the problem was. That could easily be pointed out by me. The slut and gorilla were his problem. They were stressing him out because of all the money that they were making him waste. Of course, father would never admit to that or put a stop to it.

"He says it's just stress," his hands slid down his face, showing distress. "He told me to stick with the prescription and if it continues to not work, he'll prescribe stronger medication," he added.

"What a waste of time," the slut puffed. I rolled my eyes at that. "Mike, can you give me money so Gloria and Bernice and I can go shopping?" she caressed his face, just for that.

Wow, didn't she see the stress that he was in! Oh and was she serious? She wanted money for Bernice too? Bernice was an adult already, my father did not need to support her! They were taking advantage of him. To make matters worse, he was too blind to see it.

Tossing the banana peel into the trash can, I looked at Angie and nodded out of the kitchen. Boredom was killing me. Besides, I couldn't stand here, seeing as how Karen was taking my father's money.

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