chapter 5

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*sorry for mistakes*

Reiji sighed as he sat in the back of the limo watching his brothers bicker. It was always the same when they were together, each having such different personalities, it was like oil and water. He and his brothers were ordered to join his father for dinner at his estate not too far from where they lived. All Shu would say was they were  all  required to go.

"I don't know why we have to go there," Ayato grumbled. "Yours Truly has better things to do with his time."

"Ayato, you know we’re all required to go if father requests us to go," Reiji grumbled. "Quit your complaining, we are nearly there." He crossed his arms over his chest and bowed his head taking a deep breath trying in vain to block out the others.

He hated these dinners with their father. It was always the same, the veiled threats and harsh lectures about their behaviour, it wasn’t like Reiji could control his brother's behaviour as much as he tried to. It had become so much worse since that dreadful night several months ago, the night they all lost control and hurt Yui.

She was a slip of a girl that had once annoyed him for simply being. His heart, what he had of one. centuries ago was torn out of his chest long before she came along. Her inquisitive nature, her loving attitude towards him no matter how harshly he treated her had vexed him to no end. He didn’t need the constant reminder of the one woman he loved so long ago that was taken away from him even before he had properly told her how he felt. He thought she would always be there. If he could go back only those few months ago, he would do things entirely different with Yui, it wasn’t her fault for the stark reminder of his Eve each time he looked at her. He would treat her better, but alas he couldn’t. There was no need to dwell on things he couldn’t change.

Ayato continued to grumble under his breath sending Kanato a glare who giggled and spoke softly to Teddy, teasing Ayato trying to get a rise out of him. Ayato was ready for this dinner to be over with. He hated being lectured by his father each time he saw him. It wasn’t like his father cared about any of them, so why should the man bother ordering them about. He was ready to go hunting once again with Laito, he had the itch under his skin that never seemed to go away no matter how much blood or even fucking he did. No one tasted as good as Yui. No one was good as her.

He rubbed his chest just thinking of her name. The image of her fear, her tears as he hurt her, at the time not caring that he did. He just wanted that claim on her so she wouldn’t be taken from him. He had lost Eve a long time ago, and this time. This time he didn’t want to take any chances, but he had. He had taken her innocence, knowing she was pure in the most brutal of ways. She had saved them, all of them, not just their lives when she stabbed herself with that dagger so they wouldn’t be hurt, but she made them a family. He felt whole and loved for the first time in his long life, and now there was only a gaping hole that could never be filled.

He ignored Kanato especially when he started whispering to Teddy that they needed to go home to Yui soon.

Shu leaned back against the plush limo seats; his earbud stuffed in his ears with his music playing low. He could hear what each of his brothers was saying no matter how high he turned up the volume, so why damage his ears. Letting out a harsh breath he crossed his arms over his abdomen hoping this particular dinner would be over quickly. He couldn’t stand to hear her name anymore or even think about her.

Yui was a delicate subject that no one spoke of since she disappeared. He knew she didn’t disappear , he knew that she had died trying to gain her freedom from the monsters that they were. His father was furious when he had learned what they had done but the odd thing was, he didn’t punish them. He cut off all communication with them for months and now he wanted to see them, all of them.

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