chapter 20

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*sorry for mistakes*

The first part of the night dragged on for Yui. Several of her female classmates came up to her wanting to talk to her, wanting to know where she had been. Honestly, she had no idea what to tell them. She skirted around the topic telling them she was visiting her sister for a time and just returned.

They seemed to have bought it.

The bell sounded letting them know it was lunchtime. Ayato stood and walked over to her desk holding his hand out, “We’ll meet the others, come on.”

Yui slipped her hand into his and gave it a small squeeze as they waited for Azusa, Kanato and Kou to join them.

Taking the lead, Ayato kept her close to his body while the others walked behind her in a wide arch. She thought the whole thing ridiculous, but if it made them feel better, she wouldn’t put up a fuss... She knew how to protect herself, they knew that she could, but didn’t know to what extent. She had more training when she was with Seiji they were unaware of.

Ayato picked her up bridal style once they reached the stairs and she let out a loud yelp, “You don’t have to carry me, you know,” she said in a furious whisper, “What will people think?”

Ayato met her eyes and looked ahead once again, “They’ll think nothing about me carrying my mate. Even though you concealed your scent, I can still smell me and Shu on you. They’ll know who you belong to.”

She pinched him on his chest.

“Oi, what the hell was that for?”

“I don’t belong to you,” she pouted and crossed her arms.

He smirked down at her and rolled his eyes, “Yes, you do. Just as I belong to you.” He stopped and looked down at her with a raised brow, “Unless you want me to stray and be with others?”

His face was teasing as she glared up at him. She liked this side of him. It reminded her of the old Ayato. The Ayato that she knew when she grew up with him as Eve. Tilting her head higher she gave a small sniff and tilted her head away from him, “Do as you please, but you’ll not be warming my bed anytime soon, if ever.”

Kou snickered and Ayato shot him a glare as he started walking once again. Ayato kicked the door that was propped open on the roof. He strode with purpose to the others and crouched down and set her on her feet. Shu grabbed her wrist and helped her down to sit on his lap and wrapped his arms around her.

Ayato sat next to her and stared at her for a moment before he spoke, “You know I was joking, don’t you?”

“Oh, Kami, Ayato, I know.” She sighed, “I know you’d never fuck another girl now that we’re mated.”

Reiji sucked in a sharp breath and looked between the two, “Language, Yui. You’re a lady and you must show decorum at all times.”

She looked over at him and raised a brow, “I think decorum went out the window when your father insisted I mate everyone sitting here, don’t you think?”

He shook his head and let out an exasperated sigh, “You’ll soon understand that mating, or having several mates is not uncommon in the vampire world. I’ll tell you this before we drop the subject so there is no misunderstanding. As far as we’re concerned you’ll be the only mate we’ll have. When a vampire chooses another mate over his first it’s because they’re lacking or can’t produce the heirs they need. With you, you’re special, Eve. I know how my brothers feel. We’ve wanted you since we knew you, and that’ll never change.”

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