chapter 8

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*sorry for mistakes*

Yui nodded and stepped away from him and made her way out of the room. Shu sighed as he watched her go running his hand through his hair making it even more unruly. He had heard the music and knew from the style that it was not Laito. He was surprised to see Yui sitting here playing. It was one of his favourite pieces, and she played it flawlessly. He had never heard her play before, he didn’t even know she could play. If he had known then perhaps things would have been different between them before that awful night.

He let out a harsh breath knowing that was a lie as soon as he thought it. He would have treated her just like he had. He did have a change of heart towards her when she had plunged that knife in her heart, she didn’t want them hurt. By some small miracle, she had survived, and he could see the changes in her, the awakening she was going through. It was then he knew he wanted her as his own.

He thought he was a patient vampire. Being undead for centuries you learn to bide your time, time was endless for them after all. They were immortal, forever young. Never moving forward like their human counterparts. So when he decided he would have Yui as his own he let her be and tried to spend time with her, he could tell whenever they were alone she was anxious, he could smell it on her. He had himself to blame for that. He always went out of his way to hurt her when he fed from her. Being harsh with his feedings before her change had ensured she wouldn’t want to be around him, and for him not to develop any feelings for her.

That plan failed spectacularly.

He hoped with the time that he could spend with Yui alone, he could make up for his past transgressions towards her, making things better between them. He didn't like the tension, or to see her fear when looking at him. She had lost the spark in her eyes, and the rose pallor to her skin that he loved to touch and feel against his fingertips when feeding.

Laying on the bench his thoughts were only about Yui and enjoying her lingering scent that hung in the air.

Yui knocked softly on Reiji's door and folded her hands in front of her, and waited for him to open the door. She was not entirely sure he was even in his study. It was still early, and he should not be in his chambers yet. She refused to go there to speak to him. Before she could change her mind as her anxiety spiked higher as the seconds ticked by, the door opened and Reiji looked down at her with an unreadable expression. He stepped aside and motioned her to come inside. "Thank you for agreeing to speak to me, Yui. Please, have a seat."

Yui stepped further into the study and sat on one of the wing back chairs that were nestled into the corner of the room. Reiji stepped over to his desk and poured two cups of tea, and placed one in front of Yui. "This is chamomile tea, it will help you sleep," he murmured as he sat gracefully in the chair across from her crossing his legs raising his cup to his lips.

Yui looked at the cup and gently took it, and raised the cup to her lips with a trembling hand. Reiji took a long sip of his tea and set the cup down carefully on the table between them, "There is nothing extra in the tea, it's perfectly safe I assure you."

Yui took a sip, and swallowed, setting her teacup down gently on her saucer, "Thank you, Reiji. It tastes delicious."

Reiji's lip twitched, "Yes, I believe that it does."

Yui folded her hands in her lap and sat straight in her chair waiting for him to speak. The silence was almost suffocating to her. She knew better than to speak out of turn with Reiji, however, she had a difficult time looking at him right now so instead of her gaze wondering she opted to bow her head and wait.

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