chapter 24

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*sorry for mistakes*

He saw her hesitation and tried to smile at her. He had waited for her to be alone so he could approach her. He had been watching her since their arrival and he was confused at what he saw. She was a gentle creature, but after seeing her in the bathroom at school, he could see that she had a vicious side. It spiked his interest, and honestly his arousal.

“I promise that I won’t hurt you,” he said in a gentle voice. It was true, he wouldn’t. He was afraid of his father’s wrath. When they arrived, Reinhardt had asked them all to refer to him as a father. It wasn’t a difficult request to grant. He had saved them from a life of misery. His own parents were long dead and didn’t feel as if he was betraying them by calling Reinhardt that.

He internally groaned when Yui’s tongue snicked out of her mouth and licked her lips slowly. He wanted to fuck her, to roll in her scent, to claim her. He couldn’t though. Shu had told them that he understood that she was to feed from them, and they had to do the same with her, but her body was off-limits until she birthed their heirs. He could respect that, and even understood. Father had told them the same, but he also said that someday they could lay claim to their Eve.

Yuma was already planning to ask her to feed from him, he could see the way that he looked at her. She was stunning. Her crimson eyes sparkled with happiness, and her sense of humour was welcomed considering that his brothers didn’t have much humour apart from Kou.

She let out a small sigh and gave him a small nod, “Okay,” she whispered in a small voice.

He stepped into her and wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her as close as possible to him. He felt her baby bump press against him, and he closed his eyes as excitement flooded his system. Images of her round with his seed assaulted his mind and his arousal spiked once again. Taking a deep breath, he held it for a moment and rolled her scent around on his tongue.

Brushing her hair to the side he shoved the image of her splayed out for him, under him, as he took her as his own. Leaning forward, his breath ghosted over her neck as his nose tracked from her shoulder to her jaw and repeated the trail. “Feed from me, too. It will be a closer connection that way,” he whispered planting small kisses to her neck.

He couldn’t help it; he didn’t want to. He smiled against her neck when her arousal spiked, and he took a breath to savour the scent. It was spicy, like cinnamon and pepper. Delicious.

Flicking his tongue out, he swiped it against her pulse point as she did the same. Her delicate hands fisted his blazer as she titled her head and nuzzled his neck. His fangs sunk gently into her neck and took a deep pull. He couldn’t stop the moan of appreciation that issued from his throat as he drank deeply from her.

When she sunk her fangs in and began to drink, he felt her endorphins flood his system causing his toes to curl. Holy hell she was dangerous to be around. His body began to heat up and he had to shift slightly so he wouldn’t hurt her. His hand gripped her hip and held on tight. He pulled back and swallowed harshly as he swiped his tongue over the wound to heal her.

This was the first time he fed from someone at the same time. He felt her emotions. Confusion, lust, more confusion. She licked his neck and felt her pause as her breath brushed against him, she gripped him tighter, so tight, he thought the fabric may tear.

Removing herself slowly she moved back only enough where their breaths mingled. They were both panting as they stared at each other in the eyes. “Thank you,” she said in a husky voice before clearing her throat and taking several steps back.

She turned and picked up the tome she had been reading and let out a shaky breath, “I think I’ll retire for the evening. Thank you, Ruki.”

His body was still zinging, and words couldn’t form in his throat, so he just gave her a nod as she turned and ran out of the room.

He chuckled softly and sank into a plush chair and shook his head. Yes, she was dangerous, far more dangerous than he ever imagined.

Word count: 784

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