chapter 7

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*sorry for mistakes*

The car pulled up to the estate, and before the limo came to a complete stop, Yui opened the door and bolted out. She didn’t wait for the others to try to talk to her. She was glad that her dhampir side had been released, it made her feel safer. Maybe now she could protect herself, and her children.

Entering her old bedroom, Yui leaned against the door letting out a sigh of relief. She didn't feel like talking to the brothers all at once, perhaps one at a time. She was conflicted about how she felt. She remembered everything from her past, and the deep affection and bonds she had with each of them. What they did to her was something she was still trying to come to terms with. The past and present clashing violently within her mind. Did they even remember her? It appeared that they didn't and her uncle didn't mention anything to them about it, so she wouldn't mention it either…for now.

Yui entered her bathroom and turned on the tub, and as it filled, she added scented oils to try to relax. She was on edge and knew it wasn't good for her or her children. While the tub filled she went to her wardrobe and pulled out a set of sleep shorts, and a t-shirt. She frowned as she looked at them. ' I will have to buy some new clothes soon.’

Entering the bathroom once again she began to strip her clothes pulling her hair up in a sloppy bun.

After she turned off the taps she eased herself into the warm water and groaned as the warmth enveloped her small frame. She leaned back, closed her eyes and began to think about the men in her life. Her heart ached for the way things used to be before that dreadful night. They had come together as a family...slightly dysfunctional family, but still, things were going well. She still didn't understand why they acted that way towards her that night. She wished she knew the reason why they did that to her, then perhaps she could try to move on.

There was a knock at her bathroom door and Yui's eyes snapped open. Her hands trembled as she grabbed her towel pulling it to herself trying to cover up. She felt stupid for putting herself in a vulnerable position. "Y-yes?"

"I was just ensuring you were feeling well," Reiji's voice drifted through the door.

"I-I'm fine, thank you, Reiji," she swallowed her fear and closed her eyes knowing if he wanted to hurt her, he could have just popped into the bathroom instead of knocking on the door she reminded herself.

"Yui," there was a pause before he spoke again. "Perhaps you could find the time to speak with me in private at some point…please."

Chewing her bottom lip she thought about his requests, "That would be fine, Reiji."

"I will leave you to enjoy your bath then."

Yui waited a moment and listened, ensuring he had indeed left before she resumed her bath. She washed quickly before flipping the drain to drain the tub and stepped out briskly drying herself and donning on her clothes. She breathed through her nose and out her mouth several times once she was done to stave off the panic attack that was pressing down on her chest.

Once her heart was not hammering in her chest and she could breathe easier, she looked in the mirror and frowned at her reflection. She was extremely pale. Her pallor was paler than she looked before, she was white as a sheet right now, her eyes had lost their spark. Reminding herself once again that stress was not good for her children’s health she squared her shoulders and finished her bathroom routine.

When she emerged from the bathroom she realized she wasn't tired yet and didn't feel like staying in her room at this point. Deciding to face her fear she made her way to go speak to Reiji now, she knew he was awake, and she preferred to get this over with. She knew that Reiji didn't like people to be in his study, or chambers in inappropriate attire, but she was going anyways. He would just have to suck it up. She was not wanting to go through a whole wardrobe change just to hear what he had to say. She let out a small giggle and clasped the handle and tugged it open amazed at how much she had changed since being with them. Three months ago, she would have fretted about her attire afraid of making him angry or offending him.

Squaring her shoulders, Yui stepped into the hallway and made her way down the stairs to the bottom floor where Reiji's study was. She walked past the foyer and took the long corridor that led to his study, as well as the library, and music room. She ran her hand against the wall as she walked feeling the rough texture of the antique wallpaper beneath her fingertips.

As she passed one particular room she paused her step and tilted her head considering the music room for a moment. She smiled thinking about the times that Shu had given her piano lessons aeons ago. Did she still remember how to play? She padded into the room towards the piano and ran her delicate fingers down the keys.

Settling herself on the bench she rested her fingers on the keys for a moment, her stomach fluttering slightly as the memories flitted through her mind. Taking a deep breath and began to play her favourite piece Claire de lune , by Debussy.

Closing her eyes a small smile tugged at her lips, she let the music relax her. She remembered how the sound of the piano playing always seemed to make her happy, and she could go to another place depending on her mood. When she played she was free from everything that bogged her down in life. She used to make up her own melodies, and try to put them into music.

She let out a soft sigh and opened her eyes slowly to see Shu was leaning against the piano staring at her. She let out a small yelp of surprise and leaned back. Shu caught her up in his arms with ease holding her close to him, cradling her against him as if she were a fragile doll.

Her mouth parted, she looked up at him and trembled as her heart hammered in her chest. He closed his eyes briefly and opened them with a softened expression, his grip on her tightened just enough to make her feel safe and secure, but she knew that that was a lie. He didn’t know who she was, to him, she was nothing but a blood bag , someone to torment who happens to be carrying his child.

Yui held her breath as Shu continued to look at her for several moments, his eyes roaming over her face as if he were taking in every detail. He finally set her on her feet and let her go, his hands grazing her arms as he did. He took a step back and looked down at her as if coming back to himself, "Where did you learn to play the piano?"

Yui looked away from him, finding it difficult to meet his eyes, " was someone important to me a long time ago," she whispered. The memory of their time together was almost painful to think about. A harsh contrast to the way things were now.

"I see," Shu said as he sat on the bench in front of her grasping her hand. She sucked in a sharp breath and turned to look at him, his expression, for once, open and earnest as he spoke his next words,  "I just wanted you to know...I'm glad that you’re here," raising her hand to his lips he kissed them, his lips lingering against her skin. She shivered as she felt his cool breath fan across her hand.

Swallowing harshly she tugged her hand back gently and offered him a small smile not wanting to provoke him. Looking at him she could remember all the time they spent together playing the piano, sitting and listening to classical pieces together. She remembered it all, that was hundreds of years ago.

She had to swallow the lump in her throat as he looked into his deep blue eyes that seemed to glow. They were familiar, it made her homesick for a time that had passed.  "I need to go see Reiji, he wanted to speak to me," she rasped out needing to leave before she said something she would regret. Right now all she wanted to do was have him hold her and stroke her hair as he used it. To feel that comfort of home .

Shu chuckled and gave her a smirk, "Don't keep him waiting then."

Word count: 1506

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